Such a funny thing occured to me over the past few weeks, why is it that you try to do something good and bad things start happening all around you. Someone then introduced me to the perspective of the fact that satan attacks when he sees you strive to be closer to God. That person really, in my perspective, knows what they are talking about. Goodness, gracious. Tonight was a hard night. I have reached the funds for the London trip, praise the Lord. There are a few aspects of my life that I am disheartened about at the moment, but in the end, I know will be OK. I go from being totally stoked about this trip and everything,to feeling just crummy. Ugh, anyhow, please pray with me if you could. I appreciate it.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
The boy LOVES Elmo!
This is Wyatts favorite thing to do these days is watch Elmo. Seriously whenever we are in the living room where the TV is, he says "Elmo, peas (please)" and if we don't respond, then "ELMO, ELMO!!!" oh dear. Ben said he will be broken of this when I return from London. Let's hope so~! I mean at first it wasn't bad, but now he wants it all the time. (obviously that doesn't happen)
Well one week from today, we leave! I am getting really excited, and I can't wait to learn there... Wahooooo
We are praying for our London team tonight and also for the team leaving to go to the Holiness Camp in Ohio. So, it should be a fun night. I am going to try and make some cookies or cupcakes to take along!
Have a good day, ya'll...
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 10:11 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
9 Days
Wow I leave in 9 days... That is crazy! I haven't had a lot of time to blog because along with everything that goes on in our crazy lives normally, we had the dedication for Adalai and my baptism last weekend and we have been trying to get in some good family time too, because we are going to really miss each other!
I finished my shopping yesterday for the little things that I needed for my trip.. So that feels really great! I am going next week to buy my Crocs which is one of the really important items on my list! So, I have part of my bag packed, and then next monday we are doing our laundry to get the final things packed. I am pretty prepared, In my eyes, but I have never been out of the country before so, I guess I will really know once I put it to the test!
I am going to add some pics of the dedication/baptism too... Thanks Andy for your photography! You rock dude.
Hopefully tonight will be date night for my husband and I, since we are jam packed w/ stuff to do between now and when I leave. We are having prayer time this Thursday to send our team off... It is happening so fast that next thing I know, we are going to be on that plane! I can't wait to see K, M, and E!!!!! I am so excited for the experiance and pray that the Lord just shows me Himself in ways that I have never seems before. I am so excited!
Wow the clouds just opened up and poured outside! Praise the Lord maybe it will cool off around here after these storms we are supposed to get. I need to go now and study my folder and read the Word while the children are content. Please pray for peace for our family as the time comes for me to go away. I seriously feel, rereading this, that I am going away for months! It is only really two weeks! I think sometimes that I blow out of porportion really how long I will be gone. I mean, what's two weeks really? I know families that do trips like that all the time and leave their little ones behind... so I need to just keep that in mind. And how cool is it that W gets to hang out w/ his pastor, Auntie, Grams, and Oma, while I am away. He is going to have a blast!
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 12:14 PM 0 comments