This afternoon, Kelly, Ada and I are heading off to Ontario to visit Kelly's parents. I am excited! Looking forward to the time of girl talk while we drive and we are going to work on reading through Experiancing God together, which will be really wonderful. I am hoping that I can spend some time reading a "fun" book too, while I am there. I am starting "Three Cups of Tea", and I would also like to read "The Shack". Anyhow, I will probably offline until Sunday. Have a wonderful weekend!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
I <3 this man
photo: Andy Stenz
My husband is amazing. There are so many good qualities I could post about him on my blog, but I will spare you, I just thought I would let you know that he is the more then I could ask for in every way. Yesterday I rented a movie and really wanted to watch it in kind of quiet so I could actually hear it and pay attention (ok ok, I rented "He's just not that into you") so, he took the kids upstairs and they played. Then after awhile I paused it to have some ice cream (which he scooped btw), and then shortly after he took the kids up and put them to bed. Which btw, is NOT easy these days, Adi acts as if we are pulling her toe nails out when it is bedtime. The other night she cried straight for like 2 1/2 hours straight, no joke. I was so amazed that he came down after a little bit and had already gotten them to sleep (at 8pm might I add~they have been going to bed past 11pm because they have been fighting it so much). I am so blessed by him. what an amazing husband.
This morning, after our daily dose of Transformers Animated, the kids and I are heading out to Jonestown Road to do some thrifting, and shopping. SO excited.
Tomorrow Kelly, Adi and I leave for Canada!!!!
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 5:59 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 1, 2009
Today 6/1/09
Happy first day of June!
Things are going well here. We had a wonderful supper yesterday with Jen and Kevin. They are friends of Adam and Kels. So nice. It was the most beautiful day yesterday and looks to be a copycat today too. It is beautiful. So, we are doing bath this morning and then heading out for a walk on the hill, and for some lunch. I am making homemade meadow tea. Delish.
On Thursday Kelly, Adi and I are heading out to Ontario for the weekend (which will include a stop to IKEA on the way home!)and it will be a vacation for me. I cant wait.
I finished my devotional "To Walk and Not Grow Weary" which will check off my counseling section of the MDP, and now I am moving on to reading "Experiancing God". Looking forward to starting and reading that with Kelly. Should be a wonderful and growing process for us to work on that together. Really excited.
Things to do today:
Bask in the sun
Relax and take a deep breath
Listen to my Bob Dylan station on Pandora
Have fun and appreciate my children
Be patient and kind
Be quiet.
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 6:02 AM 0 comments