Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Things are busy lately as I said in my last post, but I am trying to take everything in stride. We have been making good time to play outside at days end, but unfortunately the last two days I have truly lost track of time while we are outside in the evening and the next thing I know it is bedtime. It isn't a bad thing, just kind of wish that the kids would have a bit more down time before they need to go to bed. On days that nap doesn't happen, then they go to bed at about 8pm-ish... but last night we were still outside at that time, so we had to skip story time, which bums me out. I suppose I could have done story time, but the kids were both in need of going to sleep (cranky!)... Today is gorgeous, so we are going to spend the day outside. This morning we are going to Tina's, she has a jungle gym thingy outside at her place, so we are going to hang out with them for a couple hours this morning, home for lunch and nap, and then out again once nap is over... I sold our changing table and have to take it to Delafield this afternoon, but then we are coming home to play! I am thankful for the day to not do too much other than just hanging out at home with just a couple places to go. We did way too much yesterday and I was completely exhausted by days end. So much so that I am thankful that we didn't have to do bathtime ;) Anyhow, I need to work laundry into the mix of stuff going on today, but our bank was out of quarters yesterday so I have to go there first and hope that they have quarters for me today! Well anyhow, I should get going. We are going to leave here in a little while and I haven't even gotten the kids dressed yet!
I am re-reading the Diaper Free Before 3 book. It was so encouraging last time I read it, that I want to just re-look at parts of the book, and work with potty training for the next two days. Yesterday I went to Babies R Us, and spent some time (and quite a bit of money, who knew potty training undies for both kids and a little potty chair could cost so much?) picking out some undies for the kids and a travel potty chair that we can take with us to Minnesota this weekend, and in the Jeep with us wherever we end up at any given point. I want to have the kids both in undies for as much as possible in the next couple weeks so they are well on their way to being diaper free... YAY~!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Busy week... love the living room ;)

Oh my gosh I look at my living room this evening and feel a sense of accomplishment because the piano is gone, the new bookshelf is here, and the living room is switched around! Wooohooo I am totally proud of myself and so thankful to all the helping hands that made it work, but I am loving the extra space that we can now enjoy (which rapidly filled up with toys this afternoon ;)) and I got much done with the space... I love it! Tomorrow is going to be super busy we have a lot to do (it is little Gram day), so plenty of shopping around. I am heading to GW to look through their pants/capris/skirts and everything else there. Heading to buy potty training pants which I am funnily enough totally stoked about... And we are selling some of our movies and stuff, and taking the cans in again! I am thrilled for that (don't even laugh, believe me, I know how lame I am sometimes :P) And so yeah busy week ahead... I am excited to be going to Minnesota with my M-I-L... I haven't seen her sister in geee like maybe 4 years. Spend a lot of time with Ben's cousin Gabe though (moreso last summer but we are still buds) and so I am going to see his family.. Aunt Patty hasn't been able to meet our kids yet, so we are heading there. Since it is father's day on Sunday, we are going to head back for that... So it is going to be a fast trip, but a trip nonetheless!

Em's bridal shower....

We had a wonderful time at Emily's bridal shower... It was a lovely day... (Omg until it downpoured like mad and flooded everywhere... oh yeah and tornadoes... did I mention them? But that all happened after the lovely bridal shower, thank goodness!) Mandy thought of making a scrap book for Emily, so we each got our picture taken, and she was totally on top of getting us the pictures in our email right away, so I am so thankful to share this cute one of us...
We played some games and just hung out with each other... My sister got to be one of the toilet paper brides... and totally would have won, but Em had to make it a tie... I can understand why! ;)
We had such a great time~