So heres the story. Wyatt used to have a double bed in his room and he used to sleep in it, until he discovered the Pack N Play, and decided he would rather sleep in there. I felt a little guilty after a few months of him sleeping in a playpen, so I was stressin over I should buy a crib or a toddler bed. My sister and sister in law both said toddler bed. I was under the impression that kids were in cribs until like at least age 3 1/2, but I guess not so... Anyhow, I dropped off my donation at Lake Country Caring yesterday, (they are actually closed for the whole month of January, but I have special priveleges because Grams is a volunteer there) and took a look around and found this toddler bed! (Grams had actually showed it to me like a month ago, but... well nevertheless we got it this time!) Anyhow, Ben was so helpful yesterday in this whole situation and took the big bed downstairs, and set up Wyatt's new big boy bed! I ran to Walmart and picked up a new mattress for him, and got it all ready for bedtime last night (oh yeah I hit the pack n play too so he wouldn't ask for that instead ;)) and he did wonderful! I prayed all night for a peaceful bedtime. I had to lay in there for awhile, but it seriously only took 15 mins or so for him to go to sleep. He woke up around 2am and we had to deal with that a bit, but he did great nevertheless. I am sooooo thankful for this little transition, because it made SO much more playspace in the room for us (we are trying to keep the toys in their room instead of all over our small apartment) so it was really great!
So we'll see how bedtimes and naptime goes now that he can actually get out of his bed, it created a lot of frustration before when he was in his big bed because he could climb out all the time! So anyhow, Kira told me this little tip that she learned on Super Nanny, which is to sit by the bed, and then every night inch your way outside the door, which is an easier transition then to just make them stay alone. Maybe this time it will be easier because he is older now, and he has his little sis in there to keep him company!
Anyhow, gotta go make Ben's lunch for work
Anyhow, gotta go make Ben's lunch for work
Happy snow day!