I was flipping to find Wy some cartoons and came across this little part of Full house. OH my gosh... I loved that show when I was little. What was your fav when you were young?
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 6:39 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 17, 2009
Woooohoooo for a house!
We found out yesterday that we are going to be moving into a house in Tripoli. It is on the same road as Ben's brother and his family. I can't tell you how excited I am to have a consistant schedule, and a place to actually call home. Thrilled.
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 9:43 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Wednesday 7/15/09
Today has been fun with the kids. They, as my friend Kate says it "rock my socks".
We had little Grams over to the house today, she watched the kids play outside and I saw her smile lots, which is good.
We ran some errands, but I tried to be calm and patient. Two traits I have seriously lacked lately. It is actually really sad. I need to re-read Mitten Strings for God.
I miss my husband. Left him behind on Sunday. He is coming home soon I think. I can't wait to have a place to call home. My children ask me sometimes "Where is home?" Good question.
I am working on an afghan right now and making progress, it feels good. I am reading a couple of good things, and trying hard to find peaceful moments to relish. It is working. Listening to music helps. Quiet prayer helps. Talking to my friends, it all helps. Yet there are times during the day where I feel so overwhelmed. All a work in progress.
Our fam from upnorth (Christopher, Julie, and kids) are coming to stay here for the weekend. Tomorrow we visit "Doms" and I am really excited. My sister, Mom, and us are all going to be going there, and it will be a nice time to relax and enjoy.
Blessings to you.
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 6:09 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 13, 2009
Happy 11th Birthday, Hunter~
Maximus joined in on the fun! <3>
My dear sweet hilarious niece, Autumn. She's 7. She's good at it.
Hahaha then you go to this little one. She really was frustrated with her cousin who had the camera. Hunter tried to get a good one, but she just was mad at him that day, hence the face.
And this little man is a whole different story. George Douglas. 4 years old and you would never know it. He has dirt on his face. He loves dirt. And because of Georgie my Wyatt's face looked similar the whole time we were upnorth. They played in the dirt daily.
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 7:46 PM 0 comments
Just a quick update.
Life is a bit trying right now.
We are kind of living two places. And they are about 4 hours apart in distance. And that is pretty much how far apart my wonderful husband and I spend apart now. He is learning semi driving with his brother and is somewhat Christopher's personal mechanic. It is working out really well and the brothers are really enjoying their time together. The kids and I came down for some time with our family. We don't have a car, but my MIL has been really gracious in letting us use her car while she is out of the country. I am so thankful. I am happy to be home (southern WI home) for now and working on applying for jobs, but I miss my husband so much that it actually makes it feel like it isn't worth it. He will come to get us eventually and we will come and spend time with him in the northwoods. This is not a permanent arrangement by any means, and I am so thankful for that, but it is causing it to be very difficult for us at the moment.
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 10:42 AM 0 comments