Lately, I have been trying to really focus on keeping our apartment in really good shape... but I have noticed that my attention has focused more on that, then on playing with my kids... I mean we still find time to play together and stuff everyday because we are together all day, but I find that all of a sudden it is naptime in the afternoon, and I am wondering, what actual time did I spend with each of my kids individually. I really need to re-establish what my priorities are! I am all of a sudden filled with anxiety over some things, and came to realization last night that my worries need to be handed to God, and that I really just need to enjoy my children where they are right now. I want to get working on potty training with Wyatt and stuff, but all of that aside, I just want to play and hang out with them! I mean, Wy will only be three once, and Adi will only be 18 months for a bit longer too.... they are such amazing kids, SO hilarious, and totally smart. I just need to think about my kids first and worry about work/cleaning/ and other things at a seperate time! So, this morning, I am thinking we are going to take a walk, and then hang out around the house, playing with toys, and having Wyatt sitting on the potty, and just spend time hanging out! In the afternoons, it has been getting kind of busy for us, because as soon as school is out, the kids have their friends over, and play, next thing I know it is bedtime! So, I want to make it a daily goal to work on potty training, do Wyatt's educational work book with him in the morning, and just play and have fun! Also, calming down when something goes wrong (like last night when my daughter thought it would be funny to throw a full bowl of cereal on the floor~! gggrrrrhhhhhuuuggh) and not stressing so much!
Nothing too much else is new... Ben is working this weekend since they have overtime at his work, so we are heading out shopping tomorrow and then home for nap and playing the rest of the afternoon!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 5:33 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 22, 2008
Thank you technology!
I am really thankful for technology today... I mean I am everyday... but today I found a friend through facebook, who I really connected with a long time ago, and now we get the opportunity to rebuild/build on to our relationship because of these networking and such websites, and I am so thankful!
Tomorrow I am having breakfast with a friend that I have had for quite awhile and I am thankful that we can still meet on occasion to chat over coffee and mmmmm pancakes, and she can see the kids and hang out with me. I absolutely love these times, and am so thankful for God's blessings. They are abundant in my life, and I am so thankful.
I rearranged our living room in our apartment today. Needed to be changed a bit so I can declutter, and work on the "fall clean out!"... it is really nice to sit at our desk tonight and feel like my cleaning for once accomplished something. Sometimes that is what makes my job frustrating... I clean and clean and clean, and then whatever I have just spent a ton of time cleaning, inevitably gets messed up... and sometimes only a few mintues after I clean it. Just like the kitchen... the entirety of my kitchen gets cleaned about 5 times a day. Dishes (since spending time with Kel!) have been done about 3-4 times a day! Oh my gosh that is not completely green, but I can't stand mess... I am tired of mess.. but tired of cleaning... what's a girl to do? Just keep on cleanin'!
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 6:58 PM 0 comments