Saturday, April 12, 2008

Terrible Two's?

Lately, my little boy has decided that he has a mind of his own, and he isn't afraid to say things like it is... I mean that isn't bad, but sometimes he says things that are... well outspoken, I suppose is a good word. I am not sure if it is terrible two's, or what, but I know that he has been having issues with me lately. He has always kind of been more a daddy's boy, but lately, it has been to the extreme. Last night he took a digger, and freaked at me when I tried to help him. He screamed and yelled at me, and I was caught off guard with it. So, instead of comforting, I ended up scolding because he was being so naughty to me. Well Ben is so wonderful in these times, and always is impressing me with how he handles these types of situations. He made sure that Wyatt was Ok from his fall, and then he talked to him about how it is not nice to treat Mommy the way he did. So, ultimately, he ended up appologizing to me, and that actual same incident happened later at night, right before bedtime. I am not sure if the situation would have occured differently if my husband wasn't around? I am kind of saddened over this because my boy has decided to kind of be cranky to me. I am not sure if this is just a phase, or what is up with it, but please pray for patience for me in this, it is a whole new thing for me. He is a very good boy, super well behaved, so much so that I am mostly suprised at him and how well he listens. That hasn't changed, it is just that he would rather say things like "I don't like you" or something of the sort. I am trying so hard to explain things to him, and tell him that it hurt my feelings when he said that to me, and such. I just don't know how to handle this stage, any thoughts?

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

By his Wounds....

This song really struck me this morning while I was listening to the radio. I had my first MDP mentor meeting with JoAnn, and it was such a blessing to spend time with her... She told me of a passage that touched her lately, and so I jotted it down and it has been on my heart since...

"Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know"
Jeremiah 33:3

Oh yeah! Scroll down to see my husbands post from earlier today also! ;0)

Questions Of Ones Faith

it is not usual for me to write but once in a while something comes along that i find myself turning over in my head till its about to explode. for instance the whole oprah and billy graham thing, they both believing that Jesus isnt the only way. Dont get me wrong they dont seem to be on the same page either.He believes in God she in a nut shell believes we are. both have used the Bible (the word of God) to point out there theories. What i find frustrating is that when these topics come up i find my self questioning my own thoughts on God the Father Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit. So do I believe what they say or some of what they say? How about we do what is written on our hearts, thats right, look closer. Ancient words, they will guide us home. When the devil and world tells you question this question that and use Gods word to try and cause doubt in your faith look tword your hearts. Open the book of ancient words and taste the wisdom and compassion to see that the Lord is good. I am no preacher but self doubt is the devil not oprah or billy graham. maybe they are lost maybe not. If God gave us his word to follow then follow it. Lord hold us close, i wish for your growing presence on earth. give me mercy so i can recieve mercy help those i love to seek shelter in the safety of your arms. My God remain present in all things including you

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Crummy Rain!

The kids and I had a wonderful time with Elizabeth and Christopher this morning. It was so nice to go to their house and then head to the mall for lunch and to Walmart... I love spending time with Elizabeth! This weekend is Michael's birthday so hopefully we will see them again to celebrate that! I had just a bit of time this afternoon to blog quick and then we are off to Grams house to do some laundry and visit! We havent seen her in quite awhile. She is going to babysit tomorrow evening while I go to worship practice (did I mention I recently got asked to join New Vision's worship team?)... but I thought we could go and all visit w/ her tonight, so that is really exciting! I was initially planning on staying home and then letting the children play outside, but it is cold and rainy! so, instead we will pack up and go! Adalai is sooooo close to walking these days. She is saying "Adalai", "Yeah", and other babbles, but that is really cool! She is actually able to communicate... I am slowly progressing her into sign language. She knows more, but doesn't really do it the way that it is supposed to be done. Doesn't matter though as long as we know what she is trying to tell us! She walks along everything, and is now pulling herself up to a stand and actually letting go and standing alone. We try to be super encouraging when she does that so she knows she is doing something cool, but she still is afraid of taking steps. She loves pushing this walker that we have... it is so silly to watch her use it though because now she can manuever it around things, but if she gets caught up on anything... she freaks! This morning Kir and Mere came over, and Mere helped her get around things. She is so funny! But I think in the next little while she will be walking alone. Wow, that will be soooo exciting! I can't wait! Well tomorrow I have my meeting with JoAnn, and I am SO excited to talk Bible talk w/ her ;) And then worship team practice. Thursday I have given us the day off, and apparently my favorite TV show starts again... ER will be on! Woohooo. I don't watch much TV at all, but have always loved ER. And then Friday is crazy busy, with Sophie, Tina, Kira all stopping by throughout the day, but I am looking forward to that! I am also meeting an old friend for a mall date on Saturday which will be a lot of fun. I always love to catch up with Michelle. She is really down to earth, and hilarious! We always have a lot of fun, and I am going to see if I can be child free that day, but I am not sure how that will go!
Anyhow, I have to get the kids ready now... But have a good day!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Wyatt and his Aunt Kelly

Originally uploaded by saragedde
Kelly was trying to keep Wy busy, so she started snapping photos of them together... I loved this one!

Baby crying

Originally uploaded by saragedde
This is my dear daughter, and how she reacts to having her photo taken... Andy did a wonderful job with the photos, though!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Happy Birthday Little Grandma!

Our Grandma turned 86 today.... which is super cool. We took her out for lunch and then to her favorite place... walmart! I hope she enjoyed herself a bit w/ it!
I covenanted with New Vision Brethren in Christ church this morning. I am excited to covenant and actually be a member, so my vote counts during elections and whatnot, but truely I have been a dedicated member for a long time, so it doesn't make much of a difference, but the thing was that I had to stand up and give my testimony to everyone... it was so daunting. I wasn't nervous because I prayed for the Lord to guide my speech, so of course I had nothing prepared! I asked the pastor if I could be at the end of the line because I wanted to be the shortest story possible. Well I ended up standing like third to last (there were 7 new members joining today) which was OK, and Amanda was standing next to me, and all of a sudden while she was giving her testimony, I could feel my heart pounding, and my arms getting tingly, then I was worried I was going to pass out! I made it through, SUPER fast, with a trembly voice, but nevertheless covenanted with the BIC. Our head pastor gave us his resignation last week, so I am not sure what is up with the future for our church, but I really don't know what is in store for the future of our family either... This week is going to be considerably dull for us since last week was packed full of fun w/ our friends, but it is getting really really gorgeous outside, and since I am planning to lose about 10 lbs before my sister in law's wedding, I need to get a move on it! (hopefully the dress won't need to be altered, hey Em? just kiddin, no worries ;)) So, this evening the kids and I (oh and Max) took a walk down the huge hill to the park where we played for a little while, and then walked back up the hill and played outside for awhile. I am so thankful for that... being able to spend time with the kids outside and in the fresh air, instead of in the apartment! Last week, I ordered Birkenstocks (my link thingy in Blogger isn't working so I will just copy and paste my new sandals here :, which I am SO incredibly excited about! I love my Teva's that I bought last summer, and I got another pair of black plain Teva's, but both of my best girl friends, love their Birks, so I got some! Anyhow so that is exciting to me...
I finished the book of Numbers this weekend, and am now starting to read Acts, along with reading some of the Psalms per day... it is really exciting to me to start a new book of the Bible. Not that reading the actual book isn't fun, but I mean it gives me a sence of accomplishment, which is really cool. I have read Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Esther, Song of Songs, Matthew, Mark, Romans, and Ecclesiastes. I have my first meeting with my mentor this week on Wednesday and I am so excited to be able to get some good Bible reading tips from Joanne, and encouragment, because that is the type of person she is... I am so excited. Oh and on Wednesday also, I start with New Vision's worship team. That should be exciting because my inlaws are lead worship at NV, so it will be like singing w/ Sherry and Neal again, which I haven't done in a very long time. I am hoping that this helps to grow my faith, as well as help me get over my stage freight, which I realized today is serious! Oh my goodness!
Well I suppose that is long enough for today...