Saturday, May 16, 2009


You're probably thinking, "Why is there a picture of laundry hanging up on Sara's blog?" Well... it is simply because I love the smell of fresh laundry after it has hung all day in the beautiful fresh mountain breeze. See? Lovely. (the pic is actually really bad though because apparently I touched the lens on my camera and it is really icky!)

Max is in his glory here. Has free roam all of the mountain. Loves to just lay around. He sleeps on the porch.

This is my husband. Pointing a Pressure washer at me. He was kidding around... He was actually doing this~~

Keeping busy cleaning up the outside of the house. He has been staying busy with chores and so have I~

The kids were totally enjoying the spray of the water. It has been about 80 since we got here. It's pretty.
As for yesterday, I volunteered at Paxton Ministries, where Kelly and Adam work. It was a lovely and tiring day. I got to have a girls sleepover with Kelly and it was very nice. We went to work super early and did breakfast for the residents there, and then served them lunch... Busy busy tiring and blessing of a day. Totally! Then we went and saw Abbey's play at school, which was so precious and made me grin from ear to ear. How awesome.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Today 5.13.09

Eating watermelon is delicious.

We are eating all sorts of delicious treats here in PA. Having a major blast!

Love the beautious landscape that we get to see.

I have been bustin a move lately walking with Kelly and it feels so good! Working on gettin in shape and feeling better for the summer. It is a work in progress, but I am really enjoying it. We have had nothing but gorgeous weather since we got here. Such an amazing blessing!
I want to post some photos but can't right now. Too busy eating my watermelon. Love you all and will post photos later!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

5/12/09. Day off.

To do's for today:

Play outside with my precious mini-me's. I adore them and haven't spent nearly enough time outside soaking them in.

Pray, and read scripture. Haven't done nearly enough of any of that lately.

Read part of "The Kite Runner", as it is probably the most depressing book ever, but just for the sake of finishing it, I want to do just that, and hopefully have some sort of happy ending (although I doubt that will happen).

Make Mac N Cheese for my children and myself for lunch.

Enjoy the Stoak's house while they are off today spending time with their family.

Do some cleaning and organizing.

Take a walk to shed the probably 7 or so pounds of weight I put on in the moving process by vereing from my diet too much! :)

~ Enjoy the peace that all of things will bring me (well minus the depressing book, but still love a good read. sad, but good.)

Have a blessed day. Hope yours is as good as mine will be!