Friday, April 18, 2008

Water Bottle Soapbox

Kelly and I had a good conversation yesterday about water bottles... you are probably thinking ?What? Water bottles? Yep, that's right! So, it has been in the news lately (on Oprah as well as the Today show) about the safety of reuseable water bottles. So, anyhow, I decided to look into it a bit. I found a few things that I never knew before about the safety of water bottles. I know now, that it is the best choice to use glass (always!) if you can... Because plastic bottles (yes guys even Nalgene bottles!) are not safe. They leech chemicals into the water that you are drinking... sooo wierd.... So the peops out there that read my blog (Trac, and Andy is specifically who I have in mind) I am kind of concerned. So, the translucent ones are apparently the worst, but it really goes based off of the number that is in the recyclable triangle on the bottom of the bottle. Here is a list of the ones that are not ok, and the ones that are... Anyhow, yesterday Kelly threw away her Journey water bottle (they don't have a number on the bottom, are translucent, and also are not squeezable, which indicates that they have a certain chemical in the plastic that makes it hard..) I just wanted to post a bit about my findings because I thought it was really really important. Especially important because it is soooo good for you to drink water, which I haven't really started doing since the Stoak's visit (thanks Kel!) So, it is really interesting/worrisome about this issue, at least to me because my children are drinking out of cups that have a 7 on it! Oh my gosh! so, I am not sure what to do about the sippy cup issue at this point because I need to use them... (Any suggestions anyone?) So, I just got Adalai a brand spankin new sippy that was near $6, so my plan for now is that I refridgerate when she isn't drinking (as I have learned the chemical leaking happens most with room temp/warm liquids), and wash really really frequently... I was thinking of buying a Kleen Kanteen they have different sizes, so I could get tiny ones for the kids, and a larger one for myself, but the cost of these are an issue, or a Sigg bottle, those I think are more cost efficient... I am going to look into it a little closer in a bit, but they are made from I think like Stainless Steel which looks like a wise switch! On one of the forums I read a woman suggested for use while you are out of the house, that she carries around a washed out Snapple bottle (glass) instead of a plastic bottle that could leak chemicals... Seems that it is even a safer choice then some of the reusable water bottles to just rinse out a water bottle that you would buy at the store w/ water in it, like Smart Water, or like Aquafina... Because most of them are the most easily recycled and have a 1 in the triangle on the bottom, which is good. The only thing that one of the webisite cautioned with that, is that since they can't be sterilized, like in a dishwasher (melts), that most people don't get them very clean, which leads to more of a bacteria issue. Oh geeezzzz... Anyhow, I will get off my soapbox about this, I just have found a few things that I thought would be worth sharing, since the primary chemical that is mentioned in this bisphenol-A, is a possible carcinogen (cancer causing)... So, super imporant! Also can mess with fertility and such...
Anyhow, go green! ;)

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Heart doc appt

My appointment was this afternoon to have my heart issue looked at. The doc ordered an EKG (shocker... had a feeling that would happen) and also for me to be on a holter monitor for 48 hours. He ordered a blood panel to check thyroid, and also blood glucose levels at that point in the day (diabetes runs in the famliy-L Gram is insulin dependant, and Kir has hypoglycemia). I had them check that for me because I have been feeling sick if I get too hungry and little things like that. When I told Wyatt last night that I was going to the doctor, I asked him, "If mommy gets a little scared, will you hold my hand?" he said "Yep, Wyatt will rescue Mommy"... it was precious. Oh my gosh... Anyhow, onto the more frustrating part of the story. They ordered that monitor, and they didn't have one at the Hartland clinic, thus sending me to Oconomowoc to pick one up. We hurried over there... and they didn't have any. The lady at the Lab asked me if they explained that I needed an appointment to pick up and get hooked up to this monitor... Ummm hello??? No! She told me to come right over to pick one up! Oh well... I left feeling really sad, like cry sad, so my sweet dear husband drove through Culvers and got me a Chocolate malt. How wonderful!
The Jeep went to the doctor today, and the wonderful people at Auto Connectionz, are fixing her right up. I got the Jeep back this afternoon while we wait for parts for the CD player replacement (!!!), and for the motor for the sunroof. It was nice to have a little loaner car of theirs to use today while we had to do all the running... (since my little Jeep gets awful gas mileage, and at $3.55/gallon...grrr)

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

6 Steps/ Sara Bareielles

My baby girl took 6 steps yesterday! I dropped my kids off at my Mom's last night and she called me while we were on our way to the concert and told me that she got Adalai to walk! So, Kira and I worked on helping her walk this morning while we were at the park, and she took 4 steps. I am so proud of her!
Kir and I went to Sara Bareilles/Raining Jane/Rachel Yamagata. The concert was so good! I was a bit disappointed in it though at points just because of the swearing that happened. (And there was little like 12 year olds there) But overall, it was a wonderful a concert!
It was a busy weekend. I got to catch up with my friend Michelle, which was such a blessing. We walked around the mall, and just talked and spent time together. And she is always a huge help w/ the kids whenever they are around (Adalai and I went together to meet w/ her)
Let's see.. in other news... I am going to get my heart checked tomorrow. Not sure what is going to happend with that. A few people have tried to kind of diagnose my situation, and I have heard each of the people I have spoken to (Grams, Sherry, Tim, and JoEllyn) all mention Tachycardia. I have been really refraining at this point from looking too much online about it because I don't really want to scare mysef if I shouldn't be scared yet. I mentioned to Tim, that I kind of want to wait and see what he has to say for a diagnosis (not sure if that will come about tomorrow right away...) instead of kind of saying what I think it is. I have had terrible luck in the past with finding a good Internal Medicine doc. I am used to an MD walking into the room, asking symptoms, me telling them what I think it is, and having them write me a perscription... It just seems too simple and uggghhh bad that way... So, I am going to let him do the questioning and troubleshooting, and leave him to do his job, eventhough it is like me to kind of figure things out on my own, via the internet and just talking to friends/family, and then speak my piece...
So, the appointment is in the morning, and my husband and children are going to come with me. We are also dropping off the Jeep because it is sick too! There are a couple things that we need to have addressed on it, and I don't think they will fix my CD player, which really really stinks! Anyhow, I am soooo grateful that it is under warrenty! Anyhow, since I didn't get much sleep last night, I am going to head to bed in a bit...
Peace to you

Monday, April 14, 2008

Weird Heart.

I am going to see an internal medicine doctor this week to get checked out. I think I have something wierd going on w/ my heart. It is something that occurs sporatically, and I can't induce it, but I get these episodes of really rapid heartbeat, where my heart is like pounding out of my chest.. my limbs go numb, and I start to get like vertigo feeling... So, anyhow, I thought it was about time to get it checked out. I also have to take the Jeep to the doctor also. It has issues. The ceiling leaks, the sunroof is busted, the CD player is busted (which really stinks because it isn't covered under warrenty!) and she needs a good ole oil change. Tonight is Sara Bareielles concert! I can't wait! The kids are staying at my mom's, and my sister and I are going to grab dinner and go! Wooohooooo! Tomorrow is our day off!
Anyhow, have a blessed week!