Friday, March 14, 2008

Happy Birthday Adalai!

happy birthday my dear girl! You were born at Oconomowoc Memorial Hospital at 6:19pm, and weighed in at a mere 5lbs 1oz. Tiny little girl, so beautiful. Your big brother, Aunt Kira, and Mommy (with you in tow) were at Walmart, shopping for a camera (never new at that point that we would need it for a special occasion that day!) when I had a feeling it was time... Auntie Kira took you and I ;) right to the doctors office, who then assured me that we were ready to have a cesarian... We were instructed not to stop for a thing, and head right to the hospital. I think Auntie Kir was a little more freaked out then she led on, but nevertheless we made it there ;). I called your Grammy at work (see Grammy works at our family dentist office, and see Daddy had a routine cleaning that day...) and she and Daddy rushed to the hospital. The nice nurse came in and started prepping me for surgery, and I was scared. Daddy wasn't there yet, and they didn't want anyone in there while they gave me the epidural. Also I had to assign auntie Kir to help with your big brother! So I tried to remember numbers to call people, had I been smart and brought the cellphone.... anyhow... A little while later, Daddy came and Mommy felt relieved right when I saw him... They took me into surgery and I was scared. Daddy prayed over me, and sang to keep me calm, he is an amazing man. I felt nausea through the whole thing but was so excited to meet you! A little while later, the doctor told me that you were ready to be born, and then I heard your first cry. It was so precious. The nurse brought you over to us, and what we saw I still don't believe to this day. A perfectly precious little face, it almost didn't seem real to me. They took you away to check your weight and do some normal pokin around at ya, and I went into recovery. I started to feel my legs again which was really wierd, and then before I knew it, you were with me! They had me lay you right on my skin for comfort, and then they wheeled us back to our room, where our family was waiting, Adam and Kelly were there waiting to see you, and our other family members and some friends... I was so worried we would get thrown out of the hospital with how many people came to see you! Your brother looked you over, and gave his nod of approval... You snuggled me, and later we found out that your blood sugar was low, so they ended up giving you an I.V. but after about 4 days in the hospital, you were ready to come home! We had such a nice week with Daddy home, getting to now our new little girl. You make us so proud, honey. You grew a liking to your pacifier, so now here I am on your first birthday wondering how I am going to get those away from you. We were able to have a great nursing relationship for the first 8 months of life, and you adjusted well to formula and then whole milk very well. We were able to visit our friends in London when you were four months. You got to ride the tube, and the double decker bus, decided to poop all over me at the British museum, and got snuggled on by Matt and Kate over Mommy's 25th birthday. What a special bonding time we had there! Grammy was there too, we had a 16 day trip, and we called you our Picadilly Princess because we had to pass a place called Picadilly Circus on the tube. We met so many people there in London that just snuggled you, and it was funny to hear some people tell me that they thought I was courageous to bring a 4 month old overseas, but you were seriously a piece of cake! A total blessing. Now that you are getting a bit older, we see your total attitude shining through. I have heard some of our family members say that you are just like your Auntie Kira. That is a good thing because I couldn't ask for a better friend. You are so silly and so sweet. I am so thankful to have you as our favorite daughter and Wyatt as our favorite son. I am so happy to be able to celebrate your first birthday with you. Thank you for the privelege of being your Mom.
Love you and happy birthday, my darling

Lactose Intolerant???? Thanks, Grandma! ;)

We were out with my Little Grandma yesterday shopping for decorations at the dollar store, when Wyatt says "Mommy my bum hurts" (yes we call it bum instead of "butt", "tushy" or whatever else people call the bum), and then he screamed and screamed (I am happy to say that this is actually the first time that one of my children have actually drawn that type of attention to us) oh my gosh he was in awful pain, scrunching his legs up to his belly. I couldn't even hold him normal because he was like clenching his legs together... so, we hurried little Grandma along, and left the store and raced home... Made an appt w/ Ben's old pediatrician who is super nice... and with an evaluation, and questions about family history, pointed to it being either Celia disease (which my sis-in-law has), or lactose intolerance (which Big Grams has/and Kir-well kind of). So, we were advised to try and use lactose free milk. Makes sence since he had trouble digesting breast milk, and drank only soy formula during infancy... hello, momma, I should have noticed! Anyhow, he is really liking the Soy milk... praise God, since the woman who checked us out at the Pig said, as she scans the bottle of Organic Soy Milk, "This stuff sucks!" ;0) Oh my gosh. Anyhow, he is drinking it fine, no complaints (because I did try it and it sure does suck!) so hopefully this is the end of the actually ongoing "Mom my bum hurts" (It was uncommon for the occurance yesterday that happened, he usually says "my bum hurts" and that is it--yesterday he freaked!)... So, we'll see if that solves the little belly achin problem~
So far no Bum complaints today!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Yay for warmer weather!

I haven't had much time to blog about lately, and not much to actually blog about. This week so far we have stayed in pretty much. We are getting ready for the birthday's this weekend. Adalai turns one on Friday, and Ben turns 26 on Sunday. I am having cake here for people to stop by on Saturday, so I am going to spend time cleaning and whatnot for our family to come and visit. I am thankful that it is getting warmer out, Ben keeps reminding me "March is In like a lion and out like a lamb"... I hope so, although it does seem like it is going that way! I have been making a good effort to make sure I take quiet time each morning to read my Bible and pray, and it has considerably been helping me in every way, so if I could encourage something to people today, it would be to do just that. I bought a cute new Bible last weekend.. Anyhow, I have been loving the mornings spent getting to know the Bible more and spending time praying over things that need prayer, and for friends I haven't seen much of!