Saturday, November 22, 2008

Weekend with out Daddy #2

We are having fun... Got the kids dressed, and they both went for the boots...

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Friday, November 21, 2008

Hunting weekend

Spending the day at home with the kids was great! We played in the basement and they rode bikes while I read for a bit. We played upstairs, and made some pumpkin chocolate chip bread. I ended up re-arranging our living room, just because with our new desk, my daughter has discovered the tower and the lovely and bright green button that is on it, which just happens to be the power! I will be in the middle of a sentance, and the whole thing with shut down! Then today she took a Dora Memory Card and shoved it where a floppy disk is supposed to go. Oh my gosh, I don't want her to wreck our computer, so I put it back kind of how it used to be because that way, I can baby-gate it and then I won't have to worry about losing work/ busting it/ or her shoving random toys where they don't belong! Wyatt got to go play with Brandi and he was so excited, so A and I stayed here and she got to watch a bit of Baby Einstein while I finished cleaning up... then we did bath, and now I am off to clean up our popcorn mess! We watched "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" I thought whats the hurt in watching a couple good cartoons while Daddy is away? ;)

I am tired of negativity. I don't want to hop on the soapbox, but I was feeling really negative lately. About everything, stomping my feet when I found out that Ben was leaving for the weekend, and leaving me with the kids and no car, I was like, "are you nuts?" Just so negative! I don't want to walk through life getting to the next thing.. rushing through...
Every evening, I am like "Ok, Sara... just have the kids play for a bit... then you can get them in the bath... and then finally bedtime, then some peace for yourself...." I feel so selfish.
There is this woman and her family named Stephanie Nielson... I heard of her, actually while we were visiting A&K in PA, and I heard of her because of the Today show. On August 16, 2008 she and her beloved husband were in a private airplane crash. She sustained burns to 83& of her body, and he sustained about 30%. They have four children, and from what I have gathered, are about my age (I think about 26ish?). I follow a blog who is raising funds to help their doctor bills, they have had muliple surgeries and are still hospitalized. Stephanie, who is called Nie Nie, and her husband were transfered, I think yesterday actually, to another hospital a bit closer to where their famliy is... I think they are in Utah. Anyhow, Nie Nie's sisters are helping with the children for the time being, but the one sister, Courtney keeps a blog which she updates daily on their recovery process, and about the kids. I have been just completely engrossed with this story, as I know they need prayer, but seeing God glorified in utter tragedy is what strikes me the most. Oh my gosh it is wonderful! Anyhow, the NieNie blog (which is how she gained a huge fan base because of her possitive outlook on life, motherhood, her happy marriage, and desire to cook healthfully) is updated daily and where people write in and say which of the posts was there favorites. If you have time, please check out Nie Nie's blog, it is so amazing! I was reading one of her posts last night when I happened upon this little bit of advice:

"The biggest mistake I made [as a parent] is the one that most of us make. . . . I did not live in the moment enough. This is particularly clear now that the moment is gone, captured only in photographs. There is one picture of [my three children] sitting in the grass on a quilt in the shadow of the swing set on a summer day, ages six, four, and one. And I wish I could remember what we ate, and what we talked about, and how they sounded, and how they looked when they slept that night. I wish I had not been in such a hurry to get on to the next thing: dinner, bath, book, bed. I wish I had treasured the doing a little more and the getting it done a little less"(Loud and Clear [2004], 10–11).

I need to just LOVE... Love as Jesus loves... and learn and pray... and be positive. I desire to have this almost infectious positive outlook. I want to do it for myself, my husband, and my children!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Watch the video below....

I am convicted over how humans take care of the earth, myself included.
Here are some things I am trying to do to better my "green" way of life
~I drink out of my Camelbak bottle and drink water filered with my lovely Brita.
~ I am also working on getting all of our cardboard/paper to a proper recycling receptical, as our apartment doesn't have that (so I ask the landlady to take it w/ her to dispose of it appropriately! :))
~There are things that I am working to do regardless of how small (using bar soap instead of bottled face soap to spare the plastic and you really seem to get more out of it in the end anyhow Yay for Mary Kay!~ Which probably isn't green, but I try my best).
~I clean all w/ Green products, vinegar, and baking soda
so that is a step up.
~We have been taking advantage of shopping at Aldi's a bit latley, and there you need to bring your bags in, otherwise buy new ones (paper or plastic) so I have gotten more diligent with making sure to take my reuseable bags with everywhere! Yay! And most places give a slight discount for bringing in your reuseables! ($.05 per bag at Pick N Save...not really too sure of where else they do it)
~When we use the ATM (which has been frequent latley) I choose to not get a receipt

Anyhow, Watch the video below... pretty eye opening
I am super sick still so going to bed now ;0P


Monday, November 17, 2008


Well, I have to say that I haven't had such a bad cold since I was little. Last night, I got so sick it actually scared me. I couldn't even screech out words at all cuz my throat felt like it was closing up. We went to visit Mom, but couldnt stay. It is such a shame too, because we barely ever see her. Ben was, as always, my night in shining armor... Cleaned up messes, fed the kiddo's all day (except supper my Mom lent a hand!), and changed all poopie diaps. He was at my beck and call. I was so thankful!

Today is a much better day. Moved our corner desk into the kids room to put their tiny TV and fan up there. I am not too excited about those two things being on the floor (Wy likes to experiment w/ sticking things that don't belong in the fan, just where they don't belong!) So I was able to accomplish bringing in that weird shaped desk, I think I am doing quite a bit better this morning! (I did take a 600mg ibuprophin though!).

I made an appointment for some pampering tomorrow. I am heading out to Azana for a manicure, and I am super excited to get away for a minute and maybe get a coffee and then have my nails done for me. I need it! The peace and quiet, and the nails are really bad! While we were traveling in OH, I totally bit them. Becky had done them for me, and in like two weeks, my hands looked great, but now I have bit them to the pulp again. Ugh! Just a nervous habit I have always had, but that will hopefully be fixed once I get my mani tomorrow~!

I am also babysitting for a little boy from church this week, and then on Thursday is shopping day w/ Grams since Ben is taking the Jeep out of town w/ him for the weekend! It is really kind of nice though because our neighbors asked if we wanted to help them set up Christmas decorations! Yep! Anyhow, I gotta run and get the kids dressed and clean up around this place. I need to do my reading too

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Today 11/16/08.. boo

My streak of working out abruptly ended when I woke up this morning feeling as if I have strep throat, and week as ever, like I can't pick up the kids... OH SNAP! We were invited to my famlies house for a Packer Party this afternoon which I had to call and cancel because my Grams is on chemo and can't resist my kiddo's, who also have congestion, sore throats and coughs! With her weak immune system, she can't be exposed. We stayed home and have rested. Wy hasn't taken a nap, but is watching Toy Story right now, which is considered rest in my opinion! Adi fell asleep on the couch! I have wanted to do something to kind of spend some time relaxing, so I booked an appointment to have my nails done on Tuesday. So excited. I will resume working out again probably tomorrow sore throat or not, to be able to just say that I powered through and did it! My legs are a bit less sore today, which is wonderful because I am weak as it is! Mom invited us to come to her house for supper, which I am grateful that she is risking herself, and also because I don't have to worry about dinner...WOHOOO.

Ben helped this morning with cleaning through the kids toys, and we decided on a box of toys of W's choice to donate to charity. We needed the space, and they really don't play w/ too much of what they have at the moment. It has been a nice day of recuperation! I got my necklace... I wanna post photos of it. I LOVE IT! Thanks honey!