Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Yeah 2008!

The beginning of the year is always kind of cool for me... not that you get to start fresh or anything, but making some new goals, I feel is healthy. I know that most resolutions always only last a couple weeks, but I think being able to get a goal in mind is good. I have a friend who told me about the Sonoma diet to kind of kick the last few pounds that are hanging on from when I had the baby. It is pretty strict, but I think that I may do a type of variation on that diet. I am working also on not drinking so much sugary stuff, and not eating so much sugar. I have made little steps to kind of rid myself of that such as not adding so much sugar to coffee in the morning, and I switched to Coke Zero. I have always HATED the thought of diet soda because I have always heard horrible things about aspartame (fake sugar). So I don't know if I am so keen on drinking that a lot. I have a goal in mind to be more active in the time that I have at home w/ working out in the evening after the kids bedtime, so that is another thing. Nothing too huge and nothing too uncommon for a new years resolution.
We had a great day at Grams house. She had yummmmy food as always, ribs and chicken, and cole slaw, and non sonoma diet related stuff ;) We played games as a family and Kir and I played a round of Yatzee too which I love. So tpmogjt we are going to chill out at home and watch Pirates and play Guitar Hero...