Saturday, November 15, 2008

Day 3 of working out!

Well I am proud to say that I have been exercising between 20-30 minutes a day for three days. I get A LOT of working out per day just playing w/ the kids and stuff, but still I am proud that I have been running on the gazelle (elliptical effect type machine) and then I worked out at the Y too... I am thankful because it has helped me feel a bit more energized. I have been feeling bogged down lately (could it perhaps have to do with no Coke for over a month? Probably!) so I am thankful for the extra boost. My calves KILL though, ugh I have had to take Advil like twice because of my legs being so sore! Oh well, I still did the Gazelle for about 15 minutes today, and then just did stretches and crunches...

We are off to the grocery store today and then renting a movie and such. I think probably going to probably take it easy for the rest of the afternoon. I am thankful that I can kind of clean up around here and just be home as a family. Doesn't happen too often, and next week, Ben will be away hunting, so I gotta soak it up! ;)

Friday, November 14, 2008

Becky Moves, Y yesterday

Becky got outta here just on time last night, and I am thankful because she was able to rest in my chaotic household (there was at one point 6 kids in the kids room). I am sad to see her go, but it is refreshing to see that she is able to do what she had on her mind, and what she thinks will make her really happy. I have to admit it would be nice to be in 80 degree weather today! Anyhow, she is going to stop a couple places along the way and has something that is riding w/ her and flying back... Anyhow, her apartment is all set. Interested to see who will move in next. Today we have to carry on and go shopping. I am actually really happy because we don't have anything on the calander for this weekend. It was a couple of our friends' birthdays, and we were invited to a couple of different things, but I dunno... It is sometimes hard for us to find a last minute babysitter.

Yesterday I went to the Y with K, E, and N... Had such an amazing time catching up with Kate and seeing our kids play together. I didn't worry too much about the working out, because I knew today I would be sore. I was right! I am a bit sore, but it gave me enough motivation to hear K say how much it helps her daily life to get in a routine of exercise. So, I have decided that since too late of exercise makes it hard for me to sleep, that I would start pulling out the Gazelle in the morning times while the kids watch cartoons, and make myself do it, hopefully on a daily basis. Cuz, even though yesterday was my first time at it, it really did help me! J has been challenging me on this for quite a while too!

Adalai and I both woke up with snuufffy noses this morning, I hope her fever goes down. Anyhow, I am going to switch things up from my normal Friday routine. It is usually really stressful, I typically end up at 2 grocery stores, a walmart or Target, and then out to lunch and a few other places, and all with the kids usually... Today, we are just doing the post office, library, and then Target. Grocery shopping is going to be left for tomorrow... and I am hoping that Ben will want to help out! heehheee ;)

Anyhow, have a good weekend!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


"In the way of righteousness there is life; along that path is immortality." Proverb 12:28

One of my assignments for the next month, is each day of the week following the date (so... today is the 12th) I am encouraged to read that chapter of Proverbs. I am so excited about this. J told to me to jot down on a notecard the things that really stood out to me. (As a type of journal of sorts) this is one of my favorites of today...

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

JoAnn time!

I had a wonderful meeting with JoAnn today. She is my mentor in more ways then one... Anyhow, we get together monthly and just chat, and it is so wonderful! I feel bad sometimes when leaving that I have just blabbed her ear off! She always has awesome suggestions, some of which make the perfect sence, and it just didn't occur to me, before it occured to her! Anyhow, she has given me assignments as far as my Bible reading goes Isaiah, Michah, Proverbs, and also to purchase a John Piper book that is on the list. I just So love my time with her. I always tell her just about everything that is going on spiritually, business-wise, and whatever else... parenting especially!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Our weekend was a total blessing from God. We were able to travel to Ohio (which we in all honesty weren't sure if we were going to pull off because of lack of funds) and be there for the launch of Beavercreek Community Church. We went to meet with our best buds from Harrisburg, PA, and with our other best buds that live in Dayton, OH. It was actually about perfectly in the middle of us and the Stk's. We had a blast totally surprising Michael and Annie. Love it! It was hilarious. We showed up and Annie was like "What are you doing here?"... We had visited them a while back when we went to PA... and it was so much fun to hang out and have pizza and eat chinese, and just catch up. We were able to meet the Abells new kiddo Jacob, he is a peanut (ohhh I should use a different term, they are all allergic to peanuts) Ok, he is a little dumplin'... so adorable. Christopher is getting his daddy's curly head of hair, and is so sweet. Loves to play with our kids. We stayed at a really nice hotel and for two days, I got to enjoy the luxury of a dishwasher ;) I want one! ;) Anyhow, we had such a lovely time of fellowship. I miss them terribly!
We arrived home last night with two tired toddlers in tow, and today we spend running errands and cleaning up and getting stuff put away... Alot of fuN!!!