Saturday, February 9, 2008

Snow and the Gallery

I thought I would add a couple of pictures, the first is at the end of the 16 inches of snow that fell last Wed... crazzzzzy amount of snow! I think that is the first time in my history at least that the like whole state of Wisconsin was closed! ;) And then the next picture of Adalai chewing on my Starbucks top. This was on our second trip to the Childrens Play Gallery, this last Thursday. We had a great time! We went along with a friend, Tina and her baby and daughter. We actually were able to come back after nap this time, so we got to play a lot there! Now this weekend we have a few more things going on. First, our car isn't working well, so Ben is going to be looking at that this morning because we are supposed to go upnorth for my brother in laws wedding anniversary next weekend. We have to go shopping, and then we have to move everything out of our living room, they are coming back on Monday afternoon to replace the carpeting in the living room. OMG... And then tomorrow we are celebrating my Grams birthday which is actually on Monday. So, busy busy we are... and I heard that we are on weather watch again for really freezing cold weather. Oh great!

Have a blessed week!

Max doesn't mind much ;)

Well this was in the midst of the moving our room around so they could put in our carpet. The dog is so hilarious. Sometimes I am so suprised at how calm he is... There we are, moving everything out of our bedroom, and he is snoozing on the job!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Balistic is the word of the day! ;)

I called our landlady awhile back and asked her about redoing carpeting in the apartment. Ours was looking really shabby. Not sure if it was new when we moved in, but over the years of us living here (Ben has been here almost 6, and I have been here almost 5) and two dogs and two kids later, it is in some shabby lookin shape! So anyhow she said that it was going to be done anyhow and that she would love to replace it for us! I was totally stoked about it because how sweet is that? Anyhow, unbeknownst to me, this was like the hugest project to get myself into! They came and did the kids room yesterday, it looks fabulous and I am really thankful. The carpet is much different now, we had a pale like beige plush carpeting and they are putting in green/blue industrial carpeting. Makes a bit more sence for cleaning and for dog hair, so it is great! This portion of the project was supposed to happen on Saturday, so we had worked the week before hand moving all of the kids stuff into the living room/ kitchen. Our place was (is) trashed. Anyhow, the dude didn't show up on Saturday while I was at my class, and I was more then a little ticked. I calmed down after a bit, but geeeez people, you wouldn't want to live in this mess either! ;) Anyhow, he came yesterday and we put back the kids room. He and my husband chatted a bit about when they could do our room and then the living room... that was when my mind went balistic! They decided that they would come back tomorrow to do our room (as I give my husband that "are you sure?" look) and then Wednesday to do the living room. Well Ok, so Kir came last night and helped me move the stuff out of our room, so there is only a few things left (big furniture), but the living room? Oh my gosh yeah right... We have an entertainment center, a desk with the computer, a couch a piano... where are we gonna put this stuff??? Ahhhh anyhow, so that is my ordeal right now. I am going to talk to the guy tonight and see if he can come to do the living room next week so we have time to figure out where we are going to put this stuff!
Other than that, nothing much else is going on. Today is going to be a ball because we are going to storytime this morning, and then seeing little Grams, cleaning this place up, and then having a playdate. Supposedly the snow is supposed to be insane tonight. I have heard different each time, but was told between 4-6inches, and then I heard the weatherman utter the words 12-14 inches... WHAT??? Oh my gosh. Tomorrow depending on the inches we may go visit my Grams, and then on Thursday we are visiting the Childrens Play Gallery again! So, I am sure there will be some sweet pics along w/ that post again! We are going with Kir and Mer, and also Tina and Amelia. What fun!
Peace to you today