Saturday, April 4, 2009


Today we have a busy day. The kids and I are home because a gracious friend of ours asked Ben to work for him today. We are so thankful!
The kids and I plan to play outside, and this morning are cleaning and packing somethings. It is very hard to pack up a place you have lived for 7 years. Ugh. It is a blessing though. Truly to clear out and give.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

I am so proud of my sister


The smile after she cried :)

What they cut off my sister's head! 10 inches to donate to Locks of Love! <3

My sister donated her hair, because our Grandmother just recoevered from cancer. I love it! It is so cute, and for an amazing cause!

I think this kid could be a photographer!

He was having so much fun pretending to take pictures of me and Adalai the other day, it is so fun to watch my kids use their imaginations. This is one of this favorite things to play with!
(Need help with your business Andy? :))

My before and after.


....and after :)
I had fun the other day getting my hair cut while my sister donated hers to Locks of love...
Such a fun time together :)

This is how Adi feels

on a weekend away from Daddy and Wyatt :(

on a weekend away from Daddy and Wyatt :(

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

....our decision....

Ben's job has been worrisome to us for awhile. When Ben started working at Sullivan, he told the boss's that he wasn't planning to say any longer then 3 years. It hasn't been three years, but we were faced with a decision recently with his job. He has been laid off (and paid vacation) once already and called back, but the manager approached him last week and asked about his commitment (because he knows he wants to enter into ministry and such), and he was honest and said that he isn't going to make working there a career.
Our friends Adam and Kelly are coming in May for a much needed visit. We have decided that living on unemployment in our current situation would never work. We just simply can't afford to stay where we are. Our plans are to pack our apartment, and follow our friends home (to PA) for a visit.
We're going to store our belongings. I am so happy for this decision as a whole. Looking very forward to spending time gaining a new perspective.
I am very thankful for people understanding in this. I decided to not blog on this until now, because we of course wanted to share w/ our families first. I am so thankful because my sister called me today and we are making plans for a visit so she can come stay in PA, and we can visit NYC!
If you could, please pray for us in this time of change, it has had it challenges already, but will take endurance to push through packing/organizing/cleaning in the next month to make a smooth transition for us.
Thanks so much!

Last weekend...


Until I got sick

my dear sweet husband was sick too :( And away from home :(

Ben and Wyatt went to Emily's for the weekend. At first I thought I thought I would be sad, but it turned out to be fun to go out to girls dinner w/ Adi, Amanda, Rachel, and Nancy. So much fun. We had Gram over and cleaned and organized a bit, which helped me feel good. We visited "Doms" in the hospital, which was actually quite hilarious because she was determined to find something fun for Adi to do, so eventhough she was in pain, she wanted to blow up the latex glove.... so Ok then... :P the nurses doted on her, and told her she was so adorable and brought her tons of snacks. I got together with my sister and Rachel and watched Twilight, I wasn't sure how I felt on the subject of watching that movie, but I did end up kind of liking it. Yeah, it was oK...
I ended up with a touch of the flu yesterday, fever, chills... all that... but am doing a bit better today :)