Thursday, October 2, 2008

Grams update

Although I haven't actually seen her yet, I have heard that "Doms" (which is what my kids call her) is doing really great. I am so thankful! I am so blessed because the Lord is good in helping her to heal so well... I can't wait to see her!

We are getting prepared today to go camping with George and JoAnn (and maybe my bro-I-L/fam) for the weekend. I am kind of excited, but nervous at the same time, as it has been increasingly cold outside and the kids have never camped before. I have actually not camped for a few years either! My husband and his dad have a woodburning stove in the tent that we are going to be sleeping in, just not sure how comfortable it will be for the kids and I. I am sure we'll do fine, and I can't wait to go to the apple festival that we are going to hit up on the way home. Yay for yummy apples! I am going to try and snatch up a bushel to make some treats for us... My friend Katie gave me a good idea last night, she was making apple butter and butternut squash soup... mmmm sounds great!