Monday, June 1, 2009

Today 6/1/09

Happy first day of June!
Things are going well here. We had a wonderful supper yesterday with Jen and Kevin. They are friends of Adam and Kels. So nice. It was the most beautiful day yesterday and looks to be a copycat today too. It is beautiful. So, we are doing bath this morning and then heading out for a walk on the hill, and for some lunch. I am making homemade meadow tea. Delish.
On Thursday Kelly, Adi and I are heading out to Ontario for the weekend (which will include a stop to IKEA on the way home!)and it will be a vacation for me. I cant wait.
I finished my devotional "To Walk and Not Grow Weary" which will check off my counseling section of the MDP, and now I am moving on to reading "Experiancing God". Looking forward to starting and reading that with Kelly. Should be a wonderful and growing process for us to work on that together. Really excited.

Things to do today:

Bask in the sun
Relax and take a deep breath
Listen to my Bob Dylan station on Pandora
Have fun and appreciate my children
Be patient and kind
Be quiet.