Anyhow, gotta go make Ben's lunch for work
Friday, December 28, 2007
Wyatt's Big Boy Bed!
Anyhow, gotta go make Ben's lunch for work
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 7:33 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Christmas FuN!
Well this was our first stop on Christmas Eve. We had so much fun at my Mom's! There was yummy food as always and a loving family! We exchanged gifts which was really fun for me this year because we were able to give to our family... We got Guitar Hero III from Grams, so we got some great photos of that fun! I will try and post those later... It was a great holiday. We went to my family celebration, then we went to our service at church, and then headed out to my father-in-laws.. I got to see Em and Chris which was really nice and spend time with my family there... and then on Christmas morning, we did gifts with the kids, which was precious. And then went to my mother-in-laws. We played games there, and Papa taught Kir, Ben, and I how to play Texas Hold 'em... So much fun! It was a wonderful weekend and holiday! We are going to my Grams house for New Years. I always love that celebration too because we just spend time playing cards and games, and eating! (Gotta love it!) But, I have gone onto a kind of more healthy diet, so I am going to pray that I can have willpower to make good choices because she always has the goodies! (I am back down to one coke a day, more water, and healthy food choices---reduced sugar!)... Anyhow, so that is the jist of the holiday. Now we are working on finding places in our apartment for the toys and whatnot...
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 6:47 AM 0 comments
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Big Shopping Day~
Today is the big shopping day~! We are going to get some gifts for our kids and I am really excited! My Grams has graciously taken on Wyatt, so we are going to only take the baby... We just didn't want to spoil the Christmas suprise w/ Wy. It is going to be crazy busy, but at least it hasn't started snowing or icing yet... I am happy for that. Also I am going this evening to meet with my sister for a movie! I am overjoyed w/ that as well...
That is basically it for the weekend..
Peace to you and your family over the holiday!
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 10:31 AM 0 comments
Friday, December 21, 2007
Almost Merry Christmas!
This pictures is of Wyatt last year at Christmas. We used to put all of his toys in this basket... He climbed right in!
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 7:43 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Ada is a crawler! Wy has attitude!
My sister in law got engaged on Monday. Which is pretty cool, it was their ten year dating anniversary, so that is really special. It has gotten me thinking about my wedding ... Awww tear!
Yesterday we did laundry all day at Grams and got to hang out w/ Kir for awhile and stuff. Grams roof is leaking REALLY bad from the Ice Daming, I was really suprised... her whole celing is yellow in one corner, and it is leaking all down the wall! Oh dear, well as I sit and type at our computer I can hear "drip.....drip.....drip...." and notice that now our patio door is leaking! Yowza! D'Oh!
Our landlady is planning to replace the carpet in our apartment. I am excited about it because it will probably make our place look a bit better I would think. Anyhow, she plans to replace first the kids room, which is really great! We are planning to get the big bed out of there since Wy doesn't sleep in it, so we have extra playspace. We are going to hopefully find a crib (if you know anyone that has an extra crib, please let me know!) and that will really clean up and free up space in the kids room. So, this afternoon we are seeing my L Grams, and we are planning to go to St Vincent DePaul and look for a crib for Wyatt. We also have our last potluck with the journey peops so that is really great. Wyatt is dying to play with Ashley (or I am sure he wants to play w/ someone that is not me, and that is little like him!) so we are going to go to our friends house for that.
I was talking to my Grandma last night about Wy's attitude lately, and she really helped me feel better. He has had attitude w/ me lately and said some naughty stuff. He pays his time in time out whenever he does that, but sometimes the way that he acts catches me off guard. I tend to feel like I have done something wrong, instead of taking it for what it probably is, which is probably just crankiness, or being a 2 year old! Anyhow, she has made me realize that he is probably feeling a little cooped up. We are out a lot, but never to just play or anything anymore since it has been so cold. Since it is almost 30 degrees today, I am planning to take Wyatt for a walk and get Max and Wy out to play in the snow for awhile, and see if that improves things.
Well that is my story for today I guess. Over the weekend we have recruited big Grams to watch the kids on Saturday while Ben and I go shopping for the kids (I really look forward to shopping time with my husband w/o our kids actually). Then Sunday I may end up going to my parents w/ the kids for the Packers vs Bears game, and then Monday is Christmas Eve! Woohoooo! We finally decided what the plan is for our time so that really helps me to feel less stressed about the whole thing!
Anyhow, if I don't get a chance to blog, again have a wonderful HOLIDAy
Oh yeah did I mention that Adalai is officially CRAWLING all over this place???? OH my gosh! Kir taught her how last week Sunday, and she is getting way more confident and FAST as the days go on (has a big bruiser on her noggin to prove that!)... anyhow, it is really fun, but I am going to be on my hands and knees later trying to childproof again!
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 6:22 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Wy's first Haircut, Adalai's 9 month Check up
Wyatt got his first professional hair cut this morning. It was so cute! He was really excited to sit in the big boy chair, and he listened to the ladies instructions. He was a bit sketched out at first, but did well! It was so cute... Adalai had her 9 month check up this morning, I can't believe she is nine months already! She is 17 lbs 6 oz and is really tall for her age which is cool. They gave me free samples of formula which is always good, and Wyatt was very patient while she got checked out. She didn't get shots this time, instead they pricked her tiny little finger and squeezed two thingies of blood out of her! Oh my gosh I DON'T remember that from Wyatt's 9 month!
Tonight there is a "Birthday party for Jesus" at church. I am not sure if we are going to be able to make it because I don't really want to make my hubby walk to work... but I have left it up to him. I think it would be fun for Wy because he has been asking for friends to play with (I get very boring after awhile I guess). I am excited that a week from today is Christmas! How cool!
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 9:53 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 17, 2007
The Journey Closes
This time of bloggin could get a little long because we have had quite a bit go on since I was able to write last.
The journey group came to a consensus last Thursday that it is going to close. I am not actually sure how I feel about this, however have come to realize that it doesn't really matter because I can't change anything that has happened or the decision that was made. I actually don't know which way I would have voted had I think that the consensus spoke, meaning that the Lord willed it to be that way. I am happy to have learned quite a few things about this whole situation. I learned more about the head pastor's character, which was much needed for me. I have learned a lot about the people in our groups character and the fact that you have to be really discerning because you may not be able to take someone for face value, even when they are brothers and sisters in Christ. I am shocked to find out some of the things that have been brought about in this whole situation, but in the midst of this all, I was able to go to London and learn more about my relationship with God. I am so thankful for that! I have come to understand now too how I kind of feel about church, and thought that I kind of was doing a missionary type job in our local area, but I guess not. I am saddened because my sister was able to make relationship with our (now resigned) pastor and family, and our church family (the journey's) and now doesn't feel like she has a place in the church anymore. Ugh that is really awful for me... I loved to be able to have a little bit of a close-knit situation with the people in the journey which is what we were really striving for, but have learned a bit now about using the time that I used to devote to the journey with my own time with God or in reading the Bible. We have started a new Bible study with a couple from the old journey group, and I am really excited about that in learning more about them (we have actually known them for years!) but hoping to kind of find more relationships w/ people that maybe don't know God well or don't know the Bible. So we are trying to still reach out to people through our small group, which is really exciting to me. We are also able to start speaking to our friends again, and that is wonderful! Wahoooo for playdates w/ Christopher!
Anyhow, that is all I guess I have to say on the journey stuff for now. I am sure that I feel something else about it, but not sure what that is, and if it is going to be good to talk about or what. I am still a little confused on the issue. It was great to go to New Vision yesterday and hear my Papa speak on Christ in Christmas, and he kind of put a few things into perspective for the actual time of birth of Christ and stuff... he kind of made me think about the people around today (including myself) who get all stressed about Christmas and gifts and stuff... but looking at Mary and Josephs situation on Christmas Eve and stuff... oh geezzz talk about stress!
Anyhow, speaking of... we are almost ready for Christmas, I mean it is going to obviously creep up on us since it is a week from tomorrow (!!!!!!!!!) which I am really excited about... but we still have quite a few things to pull together. But we are really really excited!
Anyhow, I guess I will stop blabbbin now...
Peace to all!
Oh we have a pretty busy week this week, including doc appts, and laundry day and babysitting and whatnot, so I am not sure how often I will be able to blog, but have a MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Peace be to you all!
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 6:31 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Sure enough... ear infection!
I am not used to the whole ear infection thing. I know that a lot of people have to deal with that almost regulary w/ their kiddos, I have just gotten lucky thus far, and so nevertheless, it kind of threw me for a loop. Ada really responds well to medicine though so basically once she started the antibiotics this afternoon she was able to nap for awhile and then play play play! I am not too sad that we didn't get to go out, just for the fact that it is coooold! Wowza! I am kind of waiting to hear about the meeting I missed, but I was thankful because our neighbor who is moving gave us a handful of new movies for the kids so while Wy watched "Winnie the Pooh" I got some quiet Bible reading time done. I am going to attempt, now that I have finished reading "The Book of God" to read the Bible cover to cover (it is also a requirement of the MDP, so what the hey?) so I got through to Genesis 26 through the last few days. I am trying to read it really intently, but sometimes get distracted or trail off, so I am getting what I possibly can out of it.
Oh and I must say, I am so thankful to my gracious husband for taking over the the toddlers today. He made a big tree to hang up and the kids colored. It was kind of a biblical teaching for them and that is really cool. They were doing art when I came home, and it was so helpful to me to be able to take Adalai in and talk to the doc and stuff, and know that he was here w/ them, and having fun too!
Well anyhow, I thought I would post quick tonight because I am not sure what is in store for tomorrow and I am not sure if I am going to get any time!
Peace people ;)
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 7:02 PM 0 comments
Prayer and the DMV
I actually have a few prayer requests today... Adalai may be developing an ear infection and was up quite a bit last night. Seems fine and is playing well this morning, but I am not sure if we should just take her in to be checked anyways... So please pray for her healing as well as for my patience throughout the day with Wy and Sophie. Also tonight at our meeting we are making a HUGE decision with the journey... So please pray for that.
Otherwise, yesterday was quite interesting/exhausting. I had our little Grandma over because she wanted to help entertain the kids while I did laundry. We got some done which is amazing. I got to stop at the store w/o the kids, which was nice. Ben is feeling better, so he stayed w/ them while I ran some errands yesterday. We decided that it may be a good idea since I had little G's help, to go to the DMV (ugggg don't like that place) and try and get at least one of our cars registered. The Buick was 3 months past due (and our only car that we drive at the moment) and the Camaro was 6 months past due. We had already been there once to explain the wierd situation with the Buick and they basically told me that we can't do anything until we have a title... blah blah blah.. So I left empty handed that day. I went thinking that if we could at least register the Camaro that would be a good thing. So, luckily I got a really nice DMV lady (which doesn't ever really happen to me...) and she was able to help me register BOTH cars! Oh my goodness, that is such a praise! We were getting to the point of needing to park our primary car because it was getting soooo illegal! Anyhow, I am soooo thankful that the Lord blessed us with that chance yesterday! Oh wow, and the other thing about my DMV trip yesterday was that it actually only took me like 10 minutes TOPS to get the whole thing done, now when does that ever happen???? ;)
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 6:15 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
"The Book of God"
I just finished reading "The Book of God" it is the Bible written as a novel. Huge book! It has like 635 pages, but was really good! It helped me to understand some of the timeline things in the Bible that I couldn't understand before. I had to keep reminding myself that it was he Bible from Walter Wangerin's perspective, but it did help me to understand quite a bit more about the Bible that I didn't understand before. I just read about Jesus death and resurrection... oh man... Anyhow, Ben told me that he would pick the next book I read, so I am not sure what I will be starting today! I would most definetly say that it is a great idea to read "The Book of God" but remember that it is from this authors perspective on what could have happened... If you are having trouble understanding some of the stories and stuff like that though, most definetly give it a try!
I am bummed about the weather today... We are supposed to get an ice storm, and it has put the brakes on the plans for today. I was supposed to go to Mayfair w/ a friend for Christmas shopping (and to get my bracelet fixed, and the ipod fixed) so that aint happenin... BuMmEr! I am hoping to get outside though hopefully with Wyatt when Ada lays down for her morning nap to at least get some fresh air for awhile and take a walk!
Have a good day, and stay safe in this craziness!
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 6:20 AM 1 comments
Monday, December 10, 2007
Our time upnorth...
We had a good time upnorth with the family. Ben got some good "brother" time in... they went fishing the whole day Saturday, and caught us some yummy dinner! Christopher fried it for us (my diet was not on key this weekend ;)) and we had some yummy pork and stuff.. mmmm good eats! Wyatt had a good time getting to know his cousins, and had a fun time playing! We didn't get much rest while we were there, and Benjamin got the flu :( He is achy and exhausted with a fever, so please pray for him if you could. I am not sure yet if he will be going to work today. I wish he'd stay home! ;) We had to get up and leave right away yesterday because he wanted to get home. It is amazing to me how much chillier it is upnorth! Oh man, my hair froze after I washed it yesterday while I loaded the car... It was SO cold there! Anyhow, the kids are getting so big! To think my oldest nephew was at a sleepover with his buddies! It was really cool to get up there to get to know them again. When they first moved away from Okauchee a few years ago, we made it a point to get there once a month and did that for a long time, but then as we had children that became less and less... So now, hopefully that we are back into the swing of things, we will be able to get there more. Anyhow it was a good time, now we are back home unpacking from the weekend, today we are staying in as far as I know because it is chilly outside! Tomorrow I am going to Mayfair with the kids and a friend to walk around and look for Christmas gifts. And then Wednesday I have to go to the laundromat! Oh dear...
Anyhow have a good day!
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 6:16 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Going upnorth this weekend.
We are going upnorth this weekend to see my brother-in-law and his family. I am really excited~! We haven't seen our nephews and nieces since Adalai was really little, and even then we only got to spend a few hours with them. So it should be fun! My father-in-law has a really nice trailer there on his own property that we get to stay in as a family, and it should be a fun little get away for the weekend! I have a lot to do until we leave though that is for sure. We need to make sure that we have supplies for the trailer and water for the baby's bottles and small stuff like that, but it is really important! So, I am making lists like crazy so I don't forget anything, and I am assuming that since it is -1 degrees outside here right now, that it is WAY colder up there! I pray that the weather lets us get there safely. We aren't leaving until tomorrow morning.
Tonight is the first of a few meetings with what's left of our "the journey" group. Had another couple leave yesterday. I am really sad about that. Really. Ugh, anyhow, we are going to start making decisions now for what our future holds.
Happy to report that Natalie and Ethan are both out of the hospital! I am going to email Mary and find out how they are doing, but I am so happy that they are both home now!
Today we are doing chores around the house and may make a quick run to Walmart, but I am not sure about that yet, taking the kids out in -1 weather, doesn't sound really too fun, but we'll see!
Peace to you over the weekend!
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 7:08 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 3, 2007
Natalie and Ethan
Little Ethan, that I asked for prayer for a couple posts back, has now been admitted to Waukesha Memorial because he has the RSV virus. My friend and I went to visit and see if we could help out yesterday and we were able to hold him for awhile and spend some time there, so that was great, I just feel horrible for Mary because she is now running between the two hospitals to her daughter, and her grandson. They have also found out that Natalie is having trouble with her hearing, and have found that she has a fracture in her skull. Looks as if though that she is going to be able to come home sometime this week, so that is really encouraging! Please pray for them!
This week is going to be busy for us, we are going to do laundry, and visit with Grams, and then babysit Sophie and stuff, and on Friday we are leaving for a trip upnorth to my brother-in-laws house. I am excited to see my nieces and nephews there. I haven't seen them since Adalai was about 3 weeks old.
That is all for now I guess, but have a great week!
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 11:13 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Breastfeeding vs. Bottle
So yeah, hopefully you were up for reading about breastfeeding/bottle feeding today! That is what has been on my heart. I am just wanting to do what is best for the baby, but also what is best for me!
Adalai is wonderful
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 4:14 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Natalie and Wyatt
On Sunday night, my friend Natalie was in a very serious car accident. She lost control of the vehicle (somethin was broken on their car) and she crashed into a tree. Suffered damage to her aortic valve in her heart, collapsed lung, and damage to her spleen, among other things. Oh dear. I got to babysit her one year old son yesterday while her mom ran around and cleaned out their vehicle and visited the hospital. It was really a pleasure to watch little E. He was such a good boy! I love that the Lord is able to bless me with the ability to help people in situation like that. It was wonderful. I went to bed praising God that I can help in this way. Anyhow, my friend was moved from the ICU at Froedert to a normal room now and is feeling lots better, so it is such a praise! So please pray for Natalie, Ethan, and Mary. They are amazing people. I am so thankful for our group from the journey and from New Vision to help them. So I might end up having Ethan more to have as playmate to my kiddos sometime next week. Not sure though.
Also, Wyatt is sick now. He made it through fine, and now that Adalai is well, he is ill. Had a bit of a fever last night and is now at 102 after his nap this afternoon. Just looks sick, poor little guy. So if he doesn't improve by this evening, I am planning to not have Sophie tomorrow. Not sure yet though. So please pray for Wyatt also. He is on ibuprophin to help take down his temp... May result in a visit to the doc though....
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 12:49 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 24, 2007
London Follow up meeting
We are doing so much better since Adalai is feeling well again. Wyatt has been such a trooper dealing with needing to be somewhat cooped up because of us sickies here... We have had a nice time spending family time w/ Ben being off work a bit this weekend. Have a few more chores to do before the weekend is up, but for the most part it has been kind of no agenda which is very NOT us... So it is nice to just be home (I am not usually likely to say that).
I had a meeting with friends tonight on a kind of follow up from our London trip. It was so nice to get together with friends and reminice about the time we spent overseas. It made me realize how much I miss my friend that lives there! It also made me remember how much I missed my husband and son while I was away, but how the Lord was the one who pulled me through it. I was so happy to talk to Christy because she was the one who I wrote to about how homesick I was when I first got there, and she was so quick to help me. It is so amazing what friends I have! And to be lifted in prayer when the time is so tough that you think you won't make it! To think that I made friends there, and just am still awed by the time that we spent in London. It was cool to remember how much the people in London really loved my daughter. I wish Wy could have come too! It was so amazing. Anyhow, the follow up meeting was great to just talk about what we learned bein in London.
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 7:57 PM 1 comments
Friday, November 23, 2007
Poor little girl, Adalai!
Thanksgiving was great yesterday, except for the baby being really sick! We got kind of worried about her when she wouldn't really move around at all. I called nurse online from my Mom's house because she had yet another fever, so, since the fever wasn't leaving, I figured there was something up. The nurse on the phone said that the lethargy is something to be concerned about, so she sent us to Urgent Care in Mukwonago. I felt really bad getting there 5 minutes before they close on a holiday, but truthfully, it was great because there were no other patients, and it was literally the fastest I have ever spent at a doctor/ER since there were chest x-rays and everything! Anyhow, Daddy had to step up and do the job of staying in the room when they did her chest x-ray because I had to do it with Wyatt and it utterly freaked me out. Anyhow, they saw what could be pnemonia on her x-ray and an ear infection. Oh dear. So they gave her a shot of antibiotics that is supposedly help for all of the infection she is fighting off right now. 20 minutes later I had my normal little girl back! It was amazing! That medicine helped us to enjoy the rest of our holiday and she was able to be comfortable. It was such a blessing. Now we need to take her to her pediatrician today to see what else we need to do to help her since the "miracle" shot was only effective for 24 hours! So anyhow, I am praising God for the medicine and the wonderful holiday we had. We spent time with my family, eating lots! And watched a movie together (well Kir and I actually played "Yatzee" and "Friends Scene It"! --so much fun!)... and then we went and saw Bens moms side of the family! It was a wonderful holiday dispite the sick babe... It is really great that she is feeling so much better. She slept for a good solid few hours straight last night, so that was much a blessing to me!
Hope your holiday was grand!
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 7:46 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Getting well--soon I hope!
We are still sick (the kids and I), with sniffles and sneezes and coughs... it stinks. Nevertheless, we are going to Grams today to do laundry since I just can't stay on top of it all. With all of us being sick I have been changing sheets on beds constantly and we have ended up with mounds of laundry to wash, so yippppeee another day of doing my favorite thing! ;) Just kidding it certainly isn't bad when we are at Grams that is for sure. We actually went to the laundry mat with my sister the other day too, and Wyatt really enjoyed helping me load the laundry into the dryer... Anyhow that is basically the agenda for today, and then tomorrow we have off to stay home, but then Thursday is Thanksgiving! Wahoooo I am really excited to see my family and spend time together. Mom bought Apples to Apples game to play as a family. I LOVE that game. We used to play that at the journey all the time! Well I should go now to get the kids ready. Just wanted to check in~
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 5:57 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 18, 2007
American Gangster--A Must NOT see.....
Hunting weekend is almost over and I am really excited! The kids and I had a good couple of days. Spent time with Little Grams, which was nice, went shopping and then I took her to see a movie w/o the kids yesterday which was nice. I am sick though. Oh probably the worst touch of a cold that I have had for a long time. It stinks! Sore throat, aches and pains, sooooo tired but can't sleep well because I am uncomfortable, ugh... Wyatt has a pretty icky cough now too, hope it doesn't turn into the croupy cough... I am going to the store today also to try and pick out a formula that the baby will actually drink. She decided the other day that she doesn't like her every-once-in-awhile soy formula drink that she used to take, so here we go again with the buy-em-and-try-em-til-she-likes-em stage, not my favorite! Only real reason that I am giving her formula is because she is just NOT staying full at night, so we pretty much get up every two hours, which is hard on me! I don't do well w/ no sleep! So, anyhow, that is basically the story w/ the baby, she is getting well again after her croup/cold. So, that is good, there will be one healthy one! (not sure if Ben got a cold at all from all this mess, but we'll see this afternoon!).
Took Grams to see American Gangster yesterday because I think that Denzel Washington is amazing, but my review of the movie is not good... The plot of it and stuff was good, and toward the end, the violence wasn't so horrific and then you could actually focus on the storyline. The setting up of the characters at the beginning was the hard part. I mean the whole story was about drugs, so for that reason it was really graffic w/ showing how the "drug world" works... OH DEAR... and then there were plenty of other things that made me want to leave the movie (so pretty much made it uncomfortable to see it w/ my 85 year old Grams!) So, I wouldn't recommend it at all...
Other then that, nothing much else is going on. We are just hanging out w/ my sis and going to the laundry mat later, so that should be fun! It is the best way to do about 10 loads of laundry--w/ company! :)
Anyhow, hope you had a good weekend
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 6:33 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
My Croupy Girl
Adalai has croup, which really stinks. She is such a trouper though, seriously takes it better then I probably would. She is quite a bit better today, but had a horrible sounding cough last night. We took her to the doctor and she had to have an anti-inflamatory shot, which seriously improved everything (cough and breathing), so she is doing a lot better, thanks so much for your prayers for her! Doesn't look like Wy has any symptoms, and neither Ben nor myself have gotten any sore throat/cough from it! Praise God! We stayed in today, but probably are safe to do our normal stuff tomorrow since her seal bark cough is gone, and she is just a bit congested now... So, hopefully we can attend potluck. The doctor told me that it is only as contagous as a cold, and that the risk of someone getting it goes way down by the day, so I guess it doesn't seem there is much to worry about then...
I am kind of bored being at home... we have been home a lot this week and I tend to get stir crazy, so Wyatt and I just baked a batch of cookies, and I am making potato soup. Great thing to do while I sit around is eat right??? ;) Oh dear. I guess I have to make a date with the tredmill tonight!
Well thought I would post really quick. Have a good day!
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 2:41 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 12, 2007
Christmas Cookies??? Seriously? Oh dear....
Today is kiddo day for me... I got asked to watch Sophie a bit extra this week. So, we are home today and going to play outside as much as possible! It is surprising to have it be like almost 60 outside, so wahooo! It is funny how wierd the time change has made things though really. We used to have naptime from 1.30pm until about 3.30pm ish, and then go outside for like an hour before our other routine stuff in the evening, but now by the time Wy gets up and has snack, it is like dark out! So, the evenings tend to go slower lately for us. Anyhow, everything else is going Ok. Working still on cleaning and making space for the Christmas stuff that I hope to be bringing up soon. I don't like to decorate too early, but I want to acually decorate this year. My parents gave us a large faker Christmas tree last year, and they have given us plenty of ornaments from my childhood and stuff, so we should have pretty decorations this year! Not that it really matters to the kids, but I think it will be fun to have Wy participate in the whole thing! I couldn't believe that yesterday was the big Christmas cookie baking day for my Mom and Grams. Well I guess I should go, time to lay Ada down for a nap and take the toddlers outside for fun bike riding and such.
Have a blessed day!
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 7:03 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Pictures of the kids and other news...
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 3:17 PM 3 comments
Friday, October 19, 2007
Book review: "Eat, Pray, Love"
I finally finished my book... I just ready "Eat, Pray, Love" by Elisabeth Gilbert I got it because Oprah plugged in on her show, and it was flying off the bookshelves, so I thought... hmmmm sure why not? I checked out the library, and it was checked out of course, so I decided to buy it (I get much use out of the library and never actually have to buy books, so what the hay?) and it was good. An easy read. It was interesting because of all of the places that she travels throughout the world, so you get to kind of understand Italian culture, and Balinese culture and whatnot, also she goes to India to learn meditation... kind of interesting. It was wierd how she kind of found bits and pieces of religions that she kind of put together, it didn't make much sence to me, as far as applying it to myself, but it was different, and something I enjoyed... So, I have it for now if you want to loan it out, otherwise planning to loan it to my sister and sister-in-law...
In other news: We are going to a wedding tonight! It isn't like Michelle's wedding where we get to have the kids to go my parents for the night and make a total date out of it, but it is going to be a lot of fun! It will be cool to spend some time with my inlaws and other friends that are going to the wedding. Had Sophie for the last couple days, she was sick, but still a pretty good champ. The kids are all learning to share a little better (I actually have to say that Adalai is part of "the kids" in this one because that little lady DOES NOT share well at all!!)... It is getting cool and has been threatening rain all day, so they had to stay in, but were really good anyhow. So, that is basically all for now, just thought I would kind of let you in a little bit on the book and let you know my personal feelings on it...
It would probably rate a 2 1/2 star (out of 5) on my list...
Peace Out
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 3:12 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Kiddos playing outside
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 3:50 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 7, 2007
3 Sisters Moving...
All three of my sisters moved during this weekend. My actual sister decided that she wanted to move in with one of her friends. My sister-in-law Em, moved in w/ Chris to Illinois, and Kel my sister-because-she-is-wonderful... moved into an apartment in PA... wierd. Wow. I wish I could visit with all three of them, but for now it looks like the only one that I will realistically visit is Kira... OH dear. Anyhow, just thought that was crazy that all three of them moved this weekend!
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 9:45 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Chris Stills
So this artist opened for mandy the other night. I am so stoked about this concert still, and Kir and I really really liked his guitar, and his WHOLE SET! (yes kir you have to admit you even liked the french song!! ;))... So, I thought I would put a sample of it here. Lucky Kir got his CD and autograph, oh well tho. I have gotten a couple of songs on itunes, and they always have stuff on youtube... So, enjoy!
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 6:36 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Mandy Moore Concert at the Pabst
This is from You Tube... one of my favorites that she performed on Sunday night. (I love this video, minus the dancing in the background)... It is a great song tho... Anyhow, Kira and I were literally touching the stage the whole time, could have completely touched Mandy's little stilletto's that she was wearing.... It was a ridiculously great concert (minus one obnoxious fan!) I had a blast. It was so wierd to be right there, and have her smile at us and stuff. So good.
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 7:17 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Kira (aka Keeeeea!!)
Had a great time with Kira on her birthday today, it was really fun!
Funny things that Wyatt has done today...
1-dropped his milk cup on the floor and said (Oh Maaaaaaaan u totally had to hear it!)
2-Blowing (maybe blowing kisses, but seriously just blowing puffs of air) at the Moon and saying "Keeeeaaaa ballll!!! (Kira, Ball)"
3-About 15 minutes after Kira left, walking out to the porch and waving to nothing saying "Bye bye Keeeeea"
4-Oh yeah and before Kira actually left, saying "Birrday Keeea" (Happy birthday Kira!_
Love you sis, I hope you had a good birthday. Thank you for your wonderful kindness, your amazing friendship and dependability, the way that you always hear me out even when my story is going absolutely nowhere, and for truely caring, when no one else does. I can't tell you how much you mean to me and how wonderful you truely are. You amaze me with your strength, and I am so happy to have you as my greatest girlfriend. Love you so much and thanks for being my sister!
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 7:29 PM 1 comments
Sunday, September 16, 2007
I haven't been feeling well lately. I decided about 3 days ago, that it would be a good idea if I change my diet. I am pretty active with the kids, but don't really have a work out regimen... And since I am getting a bit older, I noticed that my metabolism isn't as kind to me as it used to be! So, I am trying to change my eating habits and my exercise patterns and such. Anyhow, longer story short... I gave up Coke (Coca-cola). Oh geez. I am going to have one today, but haven't had one in 3, so that is really great! I don't think I have gone that long ever, even when I was in London, and didn't really want to afford the not so good version of Coke that they sell in the UK. Anyhow. That is what is up with me now. I got sick while quitting my caffeine habit, how lovely. I am probably sick because of no caffeine! I am suprised at how chilly it got outside lately, but we have relaxed this weekend, and taken the kids out to play in the yard for a couple hours yesterday and we are going to do the same today. Church is tonight, and we have a busy week, which includes my sister's 21st birthday! Wahooooo! My husband starting his new job, I start watching little Sophie... wow it is going to be lots of changes to get used to at the same time. All along with not drinking Coke... oh dear. I watch a thing on the Food Network called Heavyweights last night... Coke vs. Pepsi... really made me want to drink a coke.
Well I am going to get the baby up and take her outside to play w/ her big brother, and daddy!
Peace ya'll..
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 9:33 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Two year check up for Wyatt
I took Wyatt in for his two year check up on Monday and that was quite a trip. It was nice because he was so cooperative, Praise God. He is such a good boy. He weighs 26 lbs now, and is kind of skinny for his age, which I thought was funny. He had to get a shot. I thought that it would get easier as they got older (for me to deal with I mean), but oh my goodness, it so doesn't. It was really hard. He kept saying "Mommy, booo booooo!!!" with huge crocodile tears. Anyhow, he is in great health, so I am thanking the Lord for that.
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 1:12 PM 1 comments
Saturday, September 8, 2007
HaPpY bIrThDaY wYaTt!!!
This is Wyatt 2 years ago today. We had a hard day that day. Oh my goodness. He wasn't actually born until 3:24pm on September 8th. 6lbs 7.5oz, he had wrapped his cord around his neck three times (with a knot) so, I went in and they took him out! I was under general anesthesia, so unbeknownst to me, the little guy got a hole in his lung and had to be taken away to Waukesha (he was born in Oconomowoc) so, that is why his Daddy is only pictured here. Oh my gosh how dramatic of an entrance for this little man! We are having a party at Nixon park today, and I am excited about it! We aren't doing anything too special just cake and playing, but it is one of his favorite places to go, and he is going to see his favorite people there!
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 7:10 AM 1 comments
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Thank you Emily!!
Oh my gosh we got free tickets to the Brewers game last night. Ben got them from his work, and actually didn't end up going because he needs to get up so early! So, I ended up going with my sister, and my inlaws, and we had a good time~ Kira and I actually left in inning 7 because the Brewers were just stompin the Astros. Em decided that she would watch the kids and actually took them overnight! OH MY GOSH I am missing them, but it was nice to not have to get out of bed right when Wyatt calls me in the morning, and to actually clean the house quick. Anyhow, so thank you to Emily, for watching the kids, and for helping me yesterday come up with great art activities to do with Wyatt. We had a blast! Today is laundry at Grams and then we are going to Amy's Lia Sophia party, so that will be fun~!
Peace and have a blessed day
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 7:33 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 3, 2007
Great 2nd B-day party for Wyatt!
We had a wonderful time at my mom's today... I am going to have her email some pics of the boy opening his gifts, and the little girl dressed like a ducky for swimming! Anyhow, he got a great start to the activity box that I am trying to pull together for the winter time. We got finger paints, glue, construction paper, markers, glue, and scissors, which is wonderful! Oh my gosh I am really excited. He got a Mrs. (yeah Mrs. Ooooopppps on my part...) and so much other fun stuff. Mom had Elmo theme (shocker) so that was a blast, he saw this HUGE gift bag with Elmo on it, and he YELLED "ELMO!!" oh man he is so funny. My Grams got him his own potty chair, and it makes noises and sings to him, Oh yeah and lights up! Wow... bells and whistles on a potty... never would have guessed it! Anyhow, great end to a wonderful weekend. My husband is convinced that the weather is going to change quick now... so we'll see, it was 93 degrees when we passed the bank today... I am really ready for fall...
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 6:12 PM 1 comments
Gods little blessings!
As I have blogged before and have prayed and thought about lately (Alot), Emily is leaving and I will no longer have a great resource for Wyatt to have a little playmate, Well that prayer got answered on Saturday. We came home from church (actually right after I got prayer for this at the beach) and an old friend came knocking on the door. I had heard that somewhere along the way, this old friend had a little girl, but he walked in and there he was with a little sweet 15 month old! We got to talking and turns out he needs someone to help watch little Sophia. I am not sure if this will all work out because our friend is divorced and his ex has a say in what happens with the little one, but it would work out perfectly since he needs help with her on Thursday and Fridays of each week! So, I am hoping that it works out because she can come and play and then Wy will have a playmate! I am pretty excited about it and hope that it works out, but the Lord knows! Well, Happy Labor day! We are going to my mom's house and celebrating Wyatt's 2nd birthday, so that is going to be SO fun! And if it turns out to be a really nice day, we are hoping to make one last splash in my mom's pool before the end of summer, so that is what we are up to!
Hope you all have a wonderful day!
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 6:43 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Bens new JOB!
Benjamin got a new job! He is going to be working with his Dad (he has worked with Sullivan Corp for 30 years), which is really nice because he is going to be in Hartland~! He has to work second shift, so that is a major adjustment! It is going to be good though to have him close to home and to change things up a bit. I guess I don't know anymore then that, just thought I would post about it.
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 4:19 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
The Nanny Diaries Movie
So, I got together w/ my sisters and a friend and we got to see The Nanny Diaries last night. It was totally fun, and the movie so much made me appreciate the fact that I get to be with my children every day. Oh my gosh the mother in the movie (who is Laura Linney to begin with... she annoys me sooo bad because of The Truman Show) just made me so angry. The poor kid in the movie gets really sick and she just doesn't even care, and this nanny (who is played by Scarlet Johannson, who I used to be annoyed w/ too, but LOVE NOW!) just loves this little boy. Anyhow, it really made me appreciate how important the jobs of my sisters are. The families that they nanny for tho, are on completely different ends of the spectrum if you ask me. Anyhow, I won't go there, but oh my gosh nannies have a HUGE amazing job to do. The nanny to me (other then some swearing now and then) reminded me at times of how I lack in being a Christian. I mean she was very humble, very gentle, kind spirited... ugh all the stuff that I wish came naturally to me. Anyhow, I would really recommend, especially if you employ a nanny ;) to see this movie!!!
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 6:24 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Nanny Diaries/PNS/London Debrief
I am excited because tonight my sisters and I are going to go to The Nanny Diaries and I am really excited because I haven't had much of a break lately, really. I mean not like I need a break, but sometimes it is nice to just hang out with Kira and Emily and just de-stress. It is beautiful out today and we are going to the Grand Opening of the new Pick N Save that just opened in Hartland. And then we are going to the park. I love days like this. I have to really appreciate the time that I have with Emily and her kids because this is her last full week of working with this family, and then she is moving to Illinois. Oh geez. Anyhow, that is all that we are really doing right now. I had a debreif from my London trip with a friend from New Vision yesterday which was really great for me to talk about some wonderful stuff that happened while there. I am determined to get my journal in order and then type all the special stuff that happened into this blog so I am able to look back all the time and remember what the Lord has done in me from this. Anyhow, I should go for now, Adi needs my attention. Peace friends
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 7:25 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Kids update
Adalai has a bit of a cold, but is getting better, she had a fever yesterday so we stayed in the apartment. Life has slowed a bit since we came home and I am thankful for it. I did really appreciate our time away and loved the time we got to spend with people in our lives. Anyhow, the weather is crazy, rainy, so it has been somewhat nice to have the chance to stay in. Today I went with a friend to Johnsons Creek outlet, we didn't have much of a chance to look around, but got a ride in the car and to eat out for lunch, then her daughter and Wy had a bit of a play date at their house. He was tuckered out by the time we got home, but wasn't cooperative when I decided it was naptime. Oh well, I won anyhow, he zonked after about 3 mins of looking at books and crying. He hasn't been sleeping well at night lately tho, I am a bit worried, but I think he will be OK. I don't want to make his bedtime later, but geezzz louise, the boy wakes up at 6am, and with the rain, it is still dark out then! oH well though, we have fun coloring and whatnot in the morning, so whatever, I am just a bit superised! Just a bit of an update on my kiddos
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 1:29 PM 1 comments
Monday, August 20, 2007
Happy Monday
I am really happy to be back home, actually, and I have started to clean up our apartment. Actually, I have started to clean out our apartment. I think it is funny how it has to get messier to get cleaner, especially with little kiddos around. Oh geez. We go to do laundry today which is a good jumping off point to get things together a bit better. It has been so rainy that it is kind of making me tired and want to rest. So, hopefully the weather shapes up throughout the week because I really want to take the kids to the park and library. We were busy right away when we returned from Pennsylvania. We got home about 9am Friday morning, went to the park, then had a church retreat from 6pm that night pretty much through to about 4pm the next day. I think a lot of ground was covered in the retreat. I got to be part of a panel last night just answering questions about my trip and stuff, which was really fun, and I was happy for the turnout. Well, another blog w/o too much of a theme. I have to get moving now, so Happy Monday!
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 5:24 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
We are having a great time in PA. It is amazing to spend time with Adam and Kelly. I missed them so much and know that it is going to be so incredibly hard to say goodbye again. I mean for them it is probably more like a "see ya later" but really it is so hard to always be saying goodbye to people. I go to London and meet my "brothers and sisters" from around the world and have to say goodbye, we have people that come in and out of our lives constantly where you have to say goodbye, and it isn't always see ya later. It is so hard, but makes you value the time that you get with people. Makes you understand too, for me at least, how much you need to rely on God to see you through because He is the only thing that is constant. I mean your family is always around and always there for you, but sadness and heartache happen, and friends... well friends are tricky. Seems to me that sometimes friends can be better to you then family, but then sometimes it is the total opposite. It is just hard when your best friends live so far away, but it is wonderful that I got to visit my two best girl friends both in the same summer, and both in such different places! Anyhow, I am just astounded at how it has really helped me to rely on God because He is constant. Just another random thought for today.
I got to go to Hershey's Chocolate World today with Annie, Christopher, Kel, and my kids, and we had a great time! The ride that we got to go on was so cute! They had a bagillion things that you could by there from Hershey, and the chocolate! OH MY YUM! We had a nice cook out at Adams sisters, (who I adore by the way), and had a good time just letting the kids play and going to the park. Tomorrow, Kel has to work so I am pretty much on my own but I will take Wy to the sandbox if it is nice outside. Anyhow, I LOVE it here. We are having a blast!
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 7:36 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Thank the Lord for diversity
Since I have been traveling, it makes me understand quite a few things, one thing that really changed my perspective in ways, is knowing that in our little "bubble" we live in, like everyone in our age demographic pretty much dresses the same, and sometimes even acts the same way. Being in Europe, they have like a whole different fashion sense then in America, but the great thing was that you see people dressing how they like. Because there was so much diversity there, it was cool to see different people from different cultures add their own little twist on fashion from where they came from. It really reinforced to me the fact that it isn't important to buy from the coolest places according to the people around the area. Who cares? I mean really. So, it was interesting to see that they had H&M and The Gap there, both of which I really like. I don't really have a point, I just feel differently now that I have been exposed to more diversity. It doesn't matter what you wear, or who makes it. It is important to me, I have realized that it is worth it sometimes to invest a bit of money if you know about a certain thing that you know will really stand the test of time, and wear and tear. K told me about Teva's for example. Great sandals, expensive, but so worth it. So anyhow, I guess lesson of today is that it is good to invest in stuff sometimes, but seriously don't feel pressure to do or wear something that isn't who you are. Sorry just a random blog for today
Otherwise we are having fun with our pals in PA, we are going to Red Lobster tonight, Wahoooooo
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 1:02 PM 1 comments
Saturday, August 11, 2007
We are in Pennsylvania!
We are in Pennsylvania with Adam and Kelly and having a blast! We had a bonfire with the family for "family night" last night and cooked food on the fire and stuff. So much fun. Wyatt got to play with Abbey and Sophie which is great. He has some play mates and keeps busy. Everyone did well on the long drive here and I think the ride was about 15 hours. It was great. I did get to the library so I can spend some time reading and journaling, yippee! We are going to Kels work today to help prepare supper for the residents at her work and then we are just hanging out for the evening. Tomorrow I am presenting about my mission trip to their church which I am nervous about, but prepared for the Lord to speak to the people through me as I encourage a short term trip. Anyhow, that is all I know... OH yeah, we are going to Red Lobster tomorrow night! WAHOOOOO that is so exciting. Well that's all for now.
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 9:36 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Adalai while in London
This is Adalai during our time in London. I love the Bumbo. That thing is great! Thanks to K for letting me borrow it for the baby. She tried Carrots yesterday for the first time, and that thing works swell for feeding a baby that can't sit up yet! Wowza. Anyhow, I thought I would post a pic of Adalai playing around quick in case you haven't seen her for awhile. She was having fun!
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 1:30 PM 1 comments
Gone again!
We are leaving for Pennsylvania to visit our buddies Adam and Kelly tonight. We are thankful for the time away, so we can spend some time together! It will be a nice ride there. We are leaving later tonight so the kids (Ada, Wyatt, and Christopher) will all sleep most of the way there. Things have been good being home, but I wish I could be back in London. Wierd eh? I would like to be able to take my son and husband and experiance what I did over the last couple weeks, with my boys learning also! I am cleaning, packing, and also hanging out with my mother and sister in law today. I hope that the weather clears up because there are a couple of books that I want to pick up to read on our vacation, if I even get time. I am going to try and read a lot though, because I noticed that it is something that I haven't been able to do much lately, but that I miss So much! It was always one of my favorite things to do growing up, was to read. I love journaling and reading in my free time, and K brought up the Mark of the Lion series that I read at one point, and man I would love to read it again. It is a 3 book series, and is so wonderful! Each book is like 1000 pages, but it is wonderful! I also love to read anything by Max Lucado so I was planning to pick up the first book of the series and a good Max lucado book. Anyhow wow my son just picked up a cleaver move he picked up a back scratcher and pushed on the light switch and started flipping the lights on and off! Wow side tracked... sorry! Anyhow, here we go with the travel again, please pray for us as we are on the road for about 15 hours or so tonight. We have busy busy time once we get home as well with church stuff too, so please pray for prepration for all of that as well. Thanks guys! I will try and keep ya'll updated during our vacation. Peace
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 5:48 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 6, 2007
We are home!
We made it home, and it was such a lovely reunion with the family. Benjamin came with a rose for all of his ladies; Adalai, his mom, and myself. It was so sweet! He was excited and didn't unbuckle Wyatt to come and say hello, but when Donna got him out of the car, he came up to me with his arms up and I picked him up and gave him the HUGEST hug. It was so sweet! I have him a little London backpack and a little double decker bus, which he LOVED (thanks for the suggestion K!). We went out to Texas Roadhouse for dinner with the money that I purposely put asside while I was away for the purpose exactly, and had a great time. He probably wanted to tell me to shut it tho, I was just talking and talking, about my team, about the time there, about SC, about so many things. It was funny because if I could have had it my way, I would have grabbed up my boys and gotten back on that plane to come for the last week of the time in London. Oh my gosh it was so powerful to me, and I absolutely loved the people that I met there. Well, it's OK. I am still dealing with jetlag, last night and the night before I went to sleep at like 7.30pm our time because to my body I was still on London time (1.30am). We are packing up the end of this week to go to Pennsylvania to see our buds, Adam and Kelly. So so so excited to do that too, and this time my family is coming with! Benjamin really deserves the time off, and hopefully he can just relax for a time with Adam. I know that he plans to go fishing so that is wonderful~! Anyhow, the rest of the week we are getting ready for our next adventure, and I can't wait. I realized that I LOVE to travel! I just miss my family while I am away. I missed Kira so much, and my Grams and stuff, and MOm.. OH my so it was really great to get together yesterday with the family. I love to travel though and this whole experiance really opened my eyes to how huge and diverse this world is. I am used to my little box. My church where my Christian friends are, and then through email keeping touch with other Christians I have met through my life, but man, this last two and a half weeks has truely made me thank the Lord for his wonderful creation. <3
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 5:39 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
A man named Steve
We had to do something yesterday that was so completely out of my comfort zone. We went door to door. I was lucky to get paired with K, so that was wonderful. We knocked on a door that opened to a man named Steve who was incredibly lonely. He was really sad and suffered with clinical depression among other things. He needs prayer. K spoke the gospel into his life. He knows God, but told us that he was angry with him because he feels such sadness and lonelyness. I think that he actually got choked up like he was going to cry quite a few times. He was thankful that it was us who came knocking on his door. Oh my gosh it broke our hearts. K prayed over him and his life... he thinks that he is called by God to stay in the flat that he lives in and become a man of God to evangelize. Oh my gosh, seriously I never thought that getting over the "concrete shoes" would be so fruitful. It was amazing. I think that we could use this type of thing at home... just speaking into peoples lives. Meeting them where they are. It was so amazing. The Lord really blesses obediance to what we are called by Him to do. Even when we are reluctant. So, today I say
" Thank you Lord for blessing me with a wonderful friend who is such an example to me. Bless her Lord for the work she does. Thank you Father for showing us the way, and helping K to speak the gospel into a lonely mans life. Show Steve the way, Lord. Show him the positive side of life and help to lift him up so he can be a man of your ways.
Thank you for the time here Lord, this has changed my life truely.....
In Jesus name, Amen"
Peace and blessings to you today...
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 2:51 AM 0 comments
Sunday, July 29, 2007
5 Days to go!
Things are going well in London. I will be happy to come home though really. I haven't been sleeping the best, but really well actually for being away from home. It was a concern before I left that I wouldn't be able to sleep while I was away. Feeling OK on that whole thing, and so proud of Ada because it was like the time change never happened for her! She sleeps longer then I do! She has some stuffiness though today so I am going to try and get a nose sucker to help her out. We go the the park (Hyde Park) today and SC. It is goig to be exciting. Last week when I experianced it, I was kind of new to this whole thing. Not that I am like well versed now, but it isn't going to be as intimidating as before. I am loving spending time with K. E is getting so big and reminds me of wy so much! He just takes all of this hussle and bussle in this city in stride. He is so amazing! And ADORABLE! He likes Adalai too which is really fun. Have to do with him what I have to do with Wy though, and remind him that he has to use gentle hands w/ the baby! He'll be a good big brother some day! Anyhoo, my mother in law got sick and has been having trouble breathing because of her asthma that I didn't know she had, so she is at the hospital now, but is in good hands with Uli, and German woman, and Peter who is also from Germany who talks like Arnold Schwartenger. Jeremy leaves today and he interviewed me on camera. It was super cool. I am going to miss him! He is really nice to the baby and likes to let her grip his hand. We have church this morning, then SC, then church again which our team is leading worship for. I am actually kind of intimidated by that now though because of Sherry being sick! Well I only have a few minutes left on the computer, so I need to go, but I am excited that there are 5 days left! With one off day in between, so K is taking us around to show us the sights. I think we are doing Trefalgers square and stuff. Not sure yet though. Anyhow, peace and blessings to you!
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 2:11 AM 0 comments
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Goodbye Jeremy
We have to say goodbye to a teammate tonight. His name is Jeremy and he lives in Hollywood. he is a cinematographer who came to film us while we are working to make a promo tape. He is so much fun. Ada likes to hold his hand... anyhow, we had to lose a teammember last night too, Tyler. It is hard to say goodbye, but praise God for the internet that we can keep up with each other! Everything here is going well. K told me that once I hit the halfway point I will probably get homesick. Yup. I have been the whole time though, so I will live through it and grow so much! There have been plenty of things that I am learning here that I can take home with me, learning that I need devotional time, prayer with my family, intercessional prayer, teaching my children, and really just taking time to fellowship with your own family! We sometimes get so busy that we forget these simple things, which now has been reinforced to me just how important these things are. Being away from Ben has really showed me how much I truely need him around. Ugh praise God for my husband. Thank you Lord! And for missing Wyatt's smiles, it shows me that instead of worrying about silly things like around the house and whatnot, I need to just sit and teach and learn about him. He is so amazing. My husband told me he is sad w/o me. Praise God for that too, I was seriously worried he would forget about me after awhile. I just anted to keep ya'll up to date with what is happening here, and miss everyone back home!
Peace, Sara
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 4:28 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Day 6!
We are in day 6 of our trip and having a good time. I am kind of sad at the moment and homesick, but the Lord is really providing. Because my good friend is here, it makes it so much more comfortable. We went to the British museum and library tour with J today and it was really good. Adalai is sick I think. She is just a bit off today, but I guess I would be too being an infant. Please pray she feels better. She is such a champ though, seriously, she was doing so well. I miss Ben and Wyatt though.
I am going to go though for now, just thought I would blog quick.
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 11:45 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 20, 2007
In London
I am there! It is exciting and scary and interesting and sad all at once. I LOVE the accents LOVe em... especially on little kids! I am pretty jet lagged and luckily getto stay with a good friend who wants to watch the baby while I rest. Praise God! I think that my emotions suffer when I am this tired, I am sad right now and miss home, although I know that I want to be here doing this and I am really thrilled about it! It is even more of a "God thing" that Adalai handled the transition and all the flight changes and the 9 hour red eye to London like a little Angel. It was absolutely amazing and I am so proud. I have had MANY compliments aleady on her behavior so that is wonderful! This is so amazing, as my friend and I walked along the street, she said, "Isn't it amazing that you have probably passed about 30 different cultures, just in our short walk?" YUP AMAZING! TOTALLY... so for now I am going to just look forward to it and take it one day at a time as K told me to do... it is best.. and look forward to what this melting pot has in store for me! Please pray that my anxiety is at bay and that I can glorify the Lord.
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 1:09 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Leaving tomorrow~!
Oh my gosh this is it! I am really excited, all packed and everything! Please pray while we are gone, and I am hoping to blog while away..
Peace ya'll!!
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 5:46 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Oh geezz
If you know my kiddo this is his favorite saying... Everything is OH GEEZ and he uses it in context too, like if he drops his sippy cup "oh geez".. Anyhow, this week is going to FLY! This weekend went so fast. In an hour I have to leave for prayer and we JUST got home. I am still having issues w/ prioritizing, and I actually think that to have enough time to pack really well, I am going to have to take Ben to work at 4:30am on Tuesday to be able to pick up my little Grandma so she can come and entertain the kids, at least the baby, while I get my things packed, since on Wednesday, I am going out w/ my Mom to see her for awhile before I leave. Oh dear, I don't like to get the kids out of bed to run daddy to work, but if that's what it takes to have the car and get stuff done, that is what it is going to take! Anyhow, I have some homework type stuff to do before leaving, and I really haven't been much focusing on the Bible and things like I should because I am caught up in the fact that I am going away and silly things like How do I pack? How do I leave Wyatt? What else do I need to buy before I go? How should I fit all the stuff that I want to carry on, into the carry-on? Oh dear, and most of all, how do I do everything I need to do, and still spend family time? (right now, daddy is watching a movie, while playing w/ the baby, and big brother is sleeping)... Anyhow, whatever the Lord provides all of the time, so I will get through it, but please pray for my sanity and my huge prayer right now is that I don't get like panic attacks while I am over there because of Wy being back here and getting homesick or whatever. It will be fun, I need some adventure in my life~!
Anyhow, not sure if I will find much time between now and then to blog, but peace to you all, and please be praying for Adalai and I in Lndn, and Wy and Ben here. Thanks!
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 3:50 PM 1 comments
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Pray please
Such a funny thing occured to me over the past few weeks, why is it that you try to do something good and bad things start happening all around you. Someone then introduced me to the perspective of the fact that satan attacks when he sees you strive to be closer to God. That person really, in my perspective, knows what they are talking about. Goodness, gracious. Tonight was a hard night. I have reached the funds for the London trip, praise the Lord. There are a few aspects of my life that I am disheartened about at the moment, but in the end, I know will be OK. I go from being totally stoked about this trip and everything,to feeling just crummy. Ugh, anyhow, please pray with me if you could. I appreciate it.
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 8:09 PM 0 comments
The boy LOVES Elmo!
This is Wyatts favorite thing to do these days is watch Elmo. Seriously whenever we are in the living room where the TV is, he says "Elmo, peas (please)" and if we don't respond, then "ELMO, ELMO!!!" oh dear. Ben said he will be broken of this when I return from London. Let's hope so~! I mean at first it wasn't bad, but now he wants it all the time. (obviously that doesn't happen)
Well one week from today, we leave! I am getting really excited, and I can't wait to learn there... Wahooooo
We are praying for our London team tonight and also for the team leaving to go to the Holiness Camp in Ohio. So, it should be a fun night. I am going to try and make some cookies or cupcakes to take along!
Have a good day, ya'll...
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 10:11 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
9 Days
Wow I leave in 9 days... That is crazy! I haven't had a lot of time to blog because along with everything that goes on in our crazy lives normally, we had the dedication for Adalai and my baptism last weekend and we have been trying to get in some good family time too, because we are going to really miss each other!
I finished my shopping yesterday for the little things that I needed for my trip.. So that feels really great! I am going next week to buy my Crocs which is one of the really important items on my list! So, I have part of my bag packed, and then next monday we are doing our laundry to get the final things packed. I am pretty prepared, In my eyes, but I have never been out of the country before so, I guess I will really know once I put it to the test!
I am going to add some pics of the dedication/baptism too... Thanks Andy for your photography! You rock dude.
Hopefully tonight will be date night for my husband and I, since we are jam packed w/ stuff to do between now and when I leave. We are having prayer time this Thursday to send our team off... It is happening so fast that next thing I know, we are going to be on that plane! I can't wait to see K, M, and E!!!!! I am so excited for the experiance and pray that the Lord just shows me Himself in ways that I have never seems before. I am so excited!
Wow the clouds just opened up and poured outside! Praise the Lord maybe it will cool off around here after these storms we are supposed to get. I need to go now and study my folder and read the Word while the children are content. Please pray for peace for our family as the time comes for me to go away. I seriously feel, rereading this, that I am going away for months! It is only really two weeks! I think sometimes that I blow out of porportion really how long I will be gone. I mean, what's two weeks really? I know families that do trips like that all the time and leave their little ones behind... so I need to just keep that in mind. And how cool is it that W gets to hang out w/ his pastor, Auntie, Grams, and Oma, while I am away. He is going to have a blast!
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 12:14 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 6, 2007
"Potty Vrrommm vroomm"
My boy likes to play by the potty now too... this was really funny, about two seconds later, he chucked that truck into the toilet... oh my gosh, good thing he decided to reach in and grab it though because I wasn't about to! So, needless to say, we washed his hands real well once we were done w/ this potty adventure. He went on the potty three times yesterday afternoon though, I think he was forcing himself though because I gave him a piece of chocolate (Choco in his words) after he went each time. Aren't you guys so excited to hear bout the potty adventures? I write about it though because I am seriously really proud of him for getting it! I mean a lot of kids don't even seem interested until they are over two, and sometimes three, so it is really great! We need to work on it though but I thought I would get him some "big boy undies" soon!
Peace and have a blessed day!
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 9:40 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Potty on the Potty!!!
So we got home from Grams today, Wyatt came into the bathroom where I was brushing my teeth and said "Potty!" So I took his diap off and he sat and went potty on the potty~! WOW it would really rock if it is just that easy.... We'll see I suppose!
Holy wows!
Wow I can't believe Wy... he never ceases to amaze me!
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 3:45 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 2, 2007
Mary Poppins Moment!
We are getting down to just two weeks until our misn trip and I am really excited! I can't wait, but then parts of me can. I am worried about my son and husband as I have said before, but then the Lord shows me that they will be fine, so whatever I am not too worried, I think sometimes I worry about worrying... does that sounds silly or what? I am really excited too because my sister in law told me about some of the stuff that her and her mom did while they went to London for an orchestra event when she was like 15, and the exciting thing is that her mom is going w/ me to show me around too! So that is something I look forward to... "feed the birds, tuppence a bag"... ahhh Mary Poppins moment! Anyhow I am just going to be homesick for my little one obnoxiously saying "ELMO! ELMO!" everytime we are in the living room by the TV... we should have never showed him Elmo! Thanks Big Grams! ;) Just kidding, it is fun and it makes it easier for me to get ready in the morning when I want to take a shower w/o my toddler in the bathroom! This boy stays glued for his 15-30 of elmo a day. Believe me I was really against the whole toddler watching TV thing, but whatever... only 15-30 a day won't hurt (at least I hope!). It is Ben's first time leading our Bible study tonight which is really great! He is pretty prepared, so that is really great!
Anyhow for now that is pretty much all, I just need to get working on my folder for my trip and praying and praying and praying more!
Anyhow, I am excited that this week is 4th of July and my Moms 50th! So, we'll have a fun time!And it always helps when the week is shortened by a holiday in the middle! The time is flying though between now and our trip... and then we are home for 5 days before we go to Pennsylvania (*hello A and K!!! WAHOOOO) for vacation!
Peace ya'll
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 10:17 AM 3 comments
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Thursday, June 28, 2007
This is my girl yesterday... She turned 15 weeks old yesterday. Wow...
Well we leave in 3 weeks from now for London and I am getting really excited. Still haven't had much time to read my folder for it, but I have been praying. I think my mother in law and I are getting together to kind of prepare for our trip. My aunt gave me a huge bag to check and I am thinking of traveling w/ one backpack as my carryon and no purse... Anyhow, I love how my aunt is really excited about helping me pack and giving me tips. She told me to bring duct tape and flashlight and batteries. All I really know I need is diaps and wipes for Ada. Otherwise we'll be fine. I am bringing my skirts and shirts and my Ergo , the only other thing that I look forward to getting is my crocs.
I really hope I can stay w/ K... That is one of my only worries... But I need to just let the Lord work it out I am scared though if I can't... Ugh anyhow... That is all for now. We are going to the ski show tonight so I am really excited. Anyhow, just thought I would pop in and write while I am on the phone w/ my Grams...
Peace and Blessings
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 12:13 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Monday, June 25, 2007
3 Weeks and 3 days until I leave
Oh my gosh I am so excited/scared/nervous/worried... but the Lord is certainly providing. Financial support has increased, wahooo! Anyhow, I am raising prayer support now, and have to make a list of people who will pray for me while I am gone... can you please? Post a comment or email me, if I can add you to my list as prayer support and then you will get updates from me while I am overseas. I am all of a sudden struck with the fact that I am running out of time before our trip. I have learned a little bit about Islm, not too much but a bit. I am working on the folder that they give you w/ different things to read in it, and I also have a book that deals with "hot and cold cultures" that I am suggested to read before I leave. OH my goodness, I am going to have to start staying up late to get all of this finished. Right now is naptime, so I am taking a quick rest and then I am going to take whatever time left that I have (W usually sleeps until 3ish, but the little one is very unpredictable) to wash the dishes and the floor, and then dive into my studies. I am going to really make it a main focus of mine to spend real quality time with Wyatt... My friend K posted a blog the other day bout how she never really knows if she is spending enough time on the floor w/ her little one, and I feel the same way. Please pray for peace of mind for me and that the priorities kind of fall into place because I am having a hard time right now... being super busy and trying to finish my folder and whatnot, plus spend time with W before we leave.
Feeding issues w/ Adi are getting better which I praise God for...
Anyhow, wow the baby just woke up, as if right on que... Peace out!
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 12:04 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
It takes me by suprise when my husband posts a blog. I mean I named it Gedde Adventures for a reason, but I am always suprised when he posts, just because I didn't see him as a bloggin type of man, yet he tends to really pour his heart into it, and for that I am so thankful. Most of the stuff that he writes really blesses me too, so that is really great. He is right though when he says that he sees God's grace and peace in Wyatt and Adalai. I am astounded by that every day. When I get over upset at Wyatt for something he knowingly did, and then I myself realize that he is almost two years old, and feel like a fool for getting frustrated over spilled milk or whatever, and then realize that he has already forgiven me. What an amazing thought. That God forgives and heals things so abundantly. It is amazing. Prayer is so powerful. I just got home from my pastors house and got to spend a couple hours w/ a few other people learning about God and actually learning about Satan... It is really a wonderful thing when you really get into the "meat and potatoes" of the Bible. Anyhow I am always suprised when people ask me why I spend so much time with church stuff... And I just want to say that it is because I am spending the church time with my family! I mean seriously these people are my bro's and sis's... It is so amazing...
My mom blessed me incredibly today. She asked me for a list of things that I needed for my trip. I emailed her a list of like 5 things that were kind of things that are neccesities (undies! and socks!)... When I told Ben that I did this, he said that this is how she would probably contribute... is to do this type of thing. She was always the type to give a gift of undies at Christmas (when Ben and I first started dating he thought we were SO wierd for that) so anyhow she called and asked me for sizes and whatnot, and then called me this afternoon and told me that she got everything but two things on the list! OH my gosh is that an amazing blessing. How awesome. Thanks so much mom.... Love you!
We have a busy week this week. It is really a fun time though. We were really blessed by the use of my father-in-laws truck this week and last, and have gotten a bunch done during the day, having the Buick for the kids and I. (Thanks Andy for following and picking up Ben and W with the whole truck thing) Anyhow, gotta get ready for laundry day tomorrow.
Peace to you all..
Posted by Gedde Adventures at 7:40 PM 1 comments