Thursday, December 13, 2007

Sure enough... ear infection!

I am not used to the whole ear infection thing. I know that a lot of people have to deal with that almost regulary w/ their kiddos, I have just gotten lucky thus far, and so nevertheless, it kind of threw me for a loop. Ada really responds well to medicine though so basically once she started the antibiotics this afternoon she was able to nap for awhile and then play play play! I am not too sad that we didn't get to go out, just for the fact that it is coooold! Wowza! I am kind of waiting to hear about the meeting I missed, but I was thankful because our neighbor who is moving gave us a handful of new movies for the kids so while Wy watched "Winnie the Pooh" I got some quiet Bible reading time done. I am going to attempt, now that I have finished reading "The Book of God" to read the Bible cover to cover (it is also a requirement of the MDP, so what the hey?) so I got through to Genesis 26 through the last few days. I am trying to read it really intently, but sometimes get distracted or trail off, so I am getting what I possibly can out of it.
Oh and I must say, I am so thankful to my gracious husband for taking over the the toddlers today. He made a big tree to hang up and the kids colored. It was kind of a biblical teaching for them and that is really cool. They were doing art when I came home, and it was so helpful to me to be able to take Adalai in and talk to the doc and stuff, and know that he was here w/ them, and having fun too!
Well anyhow, I thought I would post quick tonight because I am not sure what is in store for tomorrow and I am not sure if I am going to get any time!
Peace people ;)