Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Bye Bye Coke... Well not for good....

We are doing the passports this afternoon... phewww... I am happy to have that finished. It is hot out today, but I hope to go down to the river to go fishing with my husband. We have been doing that lately, totally peaceful. Ben caught a trout last night and was really excited! Wyatt likes the ducks and Ada likes her rides in the stroller, the only thing that gets challenging for me is to walk up that big hill. I just did that on the way from the park. Well, I am going to make it a goal for myself to wean myself from Coke (Coca-cola that is...), I feel like it is a caffiene addiction, and I am not happy with that. I did really well during my pregnancy w/ Wy not drinking Coke, w/ Adi not so much, but I seriously don't need to keep drinking the caffiene. I am making it a goal to wean down to one a day... and then hopefully to one a week. So, try and hold me accountable K? I am trying to lose the baby weight still and that is hindering it as well. So, that is basically part of what is on my heart today... Pray that the passports go through and are actually to us by the time we leave!
Peace and blessings!