Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Family Night!!!

We had one of our last family night dinners last night. Dori came over and got to see some of the funny stuff that happens when we us and the Stoak's get together. It is quite humorous... at one point she said something like I-D-10-T-S.... I was like what is that???? She said... write it down!

So hilarious... she was totally kidding by the way, I don't think that Dori could actually ever call someone an idiot. She is so wonderful! Anyhow, we had a blast, cooked out... thanks Roger for the perfect chicken! Tomorrow is the sad day... I mean it will be fun, and probably part funny to put all their stuff in the moving truck, so sad though to say goodbye until August. Ugh! A's dad came in from PA about 35 min ago, and we can't wait to see him!!