Monday, December 29, 2008

This Mornin'

The kids both have a bit of the sniffles, but regardless had a bunch of fun playing in the bin that we packed everything in to take upnorth! We have trouble w/ our very large doggie, fitting everything that we need for a few day trip in our Jeep, so Ben put all our stuff in that bad boy and strapped it to the top of our Jeep for the trip! The kids have had such a blast playing in there! :)
Anyhow, we are still in recovery mode, Kira is stopping in this afternoon for a visit, and we are probably going to bake something... sounds great to me yummm, but eventhough it is kind of nice, we might hunker down, but looking out the window now, we might bust out the double stroller and take a stroll... it isn't too bad out... hmmm
Have a blessed day!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

a couple of Christmas photos!

This is Autumn Jean... She has such a pretty smile :)

Our fam... Kristina in the green Jammies, Georges back, Hunters back... oh dear

There is George opening a gift :)

Wyatt... opening his first gift!!!

Here is Christopher and Julies tree. It was so cute!

Here is a random one of Adalai

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Picture Post ;)

I love seeing pictures on blogs...

I haven't been able to post pictures because.....

My dear darling daughter busted my camera last week.

I am going to Best Buy promptly this morning, because I LOVE pictures....

And we'll have some new ones soon, which is going to be extra fun because they will be of Christmas!!!!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Christmas Shopping today!

I am very thankful that Wyatt is feeling much better today. We went through a tough time last night, but Wyatt was a champ, and I seriously don't know what I would have done, had Ben not been there to really take charge and help more then he could ever know!
We are going to go Christmas shopping together tonight. Just my husband and myself. I can't explain what that means to me. It could be quickly grumpified by cranky cart weilding shoppers, ugh, the snowy parking lots don't help either... BUT either way, I will certainly enjoy the time, one on one with my husband, picking out gifts for our children! I can't believe that we are getting ready for Christmas already! Wooohooo

Merry Christmas to you!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Pray for Wyatt please...

Wyatt has had stomach aches lately and it just seems to get worse and worse... Please pray for discernment for us, but for healing for Wyatt.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


We have had a few hard days with the kids being sick, but they are getting more well each day! It is so much fun lately to stay at home with them. Today we had Kira come over and got to meet the two little ones that she watches now. They are so cute! Then we got recruited to watch Hannah. Had a blast watching her get pudding ALL over everything! Her eyelashes were like stuck together. Quite a picture eh? :) I would have had a photo of that one for sure if our camera hadn't busted yesterday. (Pretty sure the culprits name starts with an "A" in that one!) Anyhow, today I met with the YmCa about possible membership. I would LOVE to go. We have to discuss the possibilities though!
The kids are going to bed at about 8pm tonight because we have had a long day w/ no napping! :) It is great though because I get to rest and have downtime before bed. I haven't really been able to keep up on my reading/scriptures as much as I should and want to be able to say that I at least finished one book with my next visit w/ J. We'll see though!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Nie Auction

Today is a special day. It is my best bud Kelly's birthday, and it is Stephanie and Christian Nielson's anniversary. This is the couple that I have mentioned a couple times in my blogging about, who were in a private plane crash in August. I read on Nie's sisters blog the other day that she had some more skin grafting surgery on Sunday. 83% of her body was covered in burns and they have extensive hospital bills... Their best friend Reachel, is holding an auction on her blog...
Please check it out. There is some wonderful things being sold! And the auction ends before Christmas, so you would have stuff in time for Christmas!!!

Monday, December 15, 2008


We have had a hard day. Well hard day and a half I can say. I am really tired... ugh...

Yesterday we hung out with my Mom and sister. We went to Watertown because they had this model train set up, which I know Wyatt would like. I was super excited because I never really get to see my Mom, and actually spend an afternoon with her. She drove us over to get our photos taken (well I guess you can't say that, when you are taking the photos) at the Waukesha Floral and Greenhouse. It was so much fun (pics to follow when I get a chance to load 'em). Mom got me my first pointsettia. We got to Watertown to see the trains, and probably 10 minutes upon our arrival, my daughter throws up (twice) on my poor sister! It freaked us all out (except my Mom who was totally cool as a cucumber) so I ran off to try and clean her up... and we got that situation over with. She was fine and wanted the trains... hmmm It was really stressful (and a stressful 50-ish minutes back to my Mom's house!) Then we got home and were relaxing, and then bedtime came, and the belly-achin started with Wyatt. His was of a different sort (read:constipation) and was doubled over in pain for about 2 hours. My wonderful husband set off in the night with our three year old to the E.R. ugh. They got home about 1am, and everyone is exhausted...
I gotta go for now...
Oh dear.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Lastnight... babysitting

Of course we have Maximus saying Hello! :)

There are some random pictures here... Hannah was going through the cabinets and then next thing I knew, there were garbage bags involved... and then Brandi (the seven year old!) thought it would be awesome to help pull them all out of the box and off the roll! I quit that really quick!

I have babysat for the neighbors the last couple nights because their parents have to work. Still praying that we don't get the pukies from them because they are the family that has had 3 sickies in it! Anyhow, I got some funny pictures of the kids playing. Nothing too much else is going on with life at the moment, just spending time at home with the kids lately, too cold to venture out! We have played in the snow for a little bit at a time, and it is a fun way to get them some exercise. The kids have been doing much better with napping and sleeping through the night (until about 7am actually) with out fighting it too much! :) Wyatt has been in big boy undies all week, so I am so proud of him. We are venturing out today with our mini potty chair (in a humungous diaper bag~) so we can keep it up! I am such a proud Momma.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

ahhh thank you God... a sigh of relief

Baby Hannah next door is sick. Wyatt played w/ her big sister the other day while she was sick (like the throw up kind). So, last night, Wyatt started to look pail and ugh, so I kept thinking of the fact that he had played with Hannah the other night. I got a little scared. So, I gave him some anti-nausea medicine just to be safe, and sent the kids to be extra early, since they hadn't had naps. I was trying to be cautious just in case he woke up in the night sick, so I went to bed at about 8.45pm. I prayed a meek prayer "God, please keep Wyatt well, help him to not throw up... help my anxiety over it, in Jesus name, Amen".
I am thankful today that God heard my little prayer. No throwing up + well rested kids + well rested Mommy = Good morning!!!
Thank you God!

Monday, December 8, 2008


Our new head pastor at New Vision was installed yesterday and our bischop came to preach and lead the ceremony. Ben and I were incredibly touched by the sermon. Thought it was SO wonderful because it spoke to what is on our hearts right now. Discerning God's will in our lives has been a total challenge up to this point. He gave some basic guidelines on how you can confirm God's will...
1. Persistence in Seeking God's will in your life.
2. Multiple voices speaking in that area of your life (for me? A little convo w/ my friend Shelly at the mall is one of the multiples :))
3. Developing Conviction.

His passage was out of Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," delcares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." (v.13) "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."

I am on a plan to get the whole Bible read, and have made quite a bit of progress, but I haven't read Jeremiah yet. These words just spoke to our lives so much that Ben and I had a good chuckle to each other during the service (excuse us please people that sit around us ;)). We still haven't got a total grasp on what God wants for us, but certainly have more of something to look forward to! :) And conversations to be had!

We had plans to hang out w/ our pals Christy and Brad tonight, but tt my bud and she and I decided to do it tomorrow night instead because I feel so terrible to have Ben walking to work in this messy weather (although he seriously insists that he loves the walk late at night and thinks it is beautiful!). I am excited because we are doing supper tomorrow instead and then I am attending the leadership class that she is teaching! I am thrilled for that, and totally thankful for the night in, since it is like raining and snowing at the same time here right now!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Love it

We went shopping like everywhere today. ugh. I am so tired, but happy it is done. I heard there is going to be more snow tomorrow... ugh... Meanwhile I am eating this... mmmmm

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Momma T

"We can do not great things, only small things with great love. It is not how much you do, but how much love you put into doing it." ~Mother Theresa


I am to the end of my lovely book written by Shane Claiborne. I am for sure putting "Irresistible Revolution" on my list of books to re-read. So wonderful. I love that he talks about taking care of God's earth. I am going to work hard to take some of the advice given in the book. And learn more to love people. And try extremely hard to see God in all people, even enemies. If you want a good book to read. Seriously, you won't be sorry... Ben wants to read this one too, but we really need to work on MDP stuff! So, I am determined before my next JoAnn meeting, to complete some of the required reading! I need to read "Don't Waste your Life" by John Piper... And the book of Isaiah at least!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Wyatt on Thanksgiving!

This is Wyatt on Thanksgiving! He is so cute... I didn't realize I had this photo until I was going through my Picasa album today.

Nothing too much going on today. We got a bunch of snow and it has been peaceful to watch out the window as it gently falls to the ground.
The kids took a nice nap today and I tried to relax, because we had a bummer of a morning. The kids didn't feel like getting along w/ each other (and they were both really tired too) so they were screaming at eachother! I have been really working on my patience w/ them, but was truely thankful for Ben. (and naptime!) We went outside to play after naptime, but couldn't handle the cold for too long and ended up back inside about 15 minutes later! None of the kids are around tonight, so we are just kind of hanging out and going to watch movies and have bath in a little bit. It is nice to just hang out with the kids though. Wyatt has been doing fantastic w/ potty training lately, and understands that unless he goes on the potty, he isn't going to be able to go to school. He really wants to go to school, which is really great! It is good to have Adalai learn along with him too~! It is two of my good friends' birthday's tomorrow, and I won't be able to see either of them, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY KATE AND BECKY!!!!
We don't have anything actually going on really for the rest of the week. It is nice to just spend time inside when it is cold and snowy outside!
Anyhoo, since I am kinda just blabbin'... I should go and get some chores done before bathtime!!!
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Monday, December 1, 2008

Happy Birthday Hannah!

The cake....

We went to Hannah's birthday on Saturday, and had so much fun. I haven't seen Amanda since the summer, so it was nice to be around... and Hannah is so sweet! I got to meet some of their family that I have heard about, but haven't met yet, so I took some pics... Tracy got gift bags for all the little ones, and Hannah got her own mini cake. They got the Pig to do the cake just like the invitation. SO adorable!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Last post of the day... I swear...

I had to have this little conversation on the record... for myself at least... because it had me in stitches.

"Mommy, it's time to get down" (as supposed to "time to get up" he always comes into our room to wake me)
So, mommy gets outta bed...
"Need a drink Wy?"
"Some soy milk"
Okie dokie.
He follows me into the kitchen.
"Wy can you hold this for me?" hand him the half gallon of soy milk while I try and put the other half gallon into the fridge.
"Mom, this is so heavy. I am going to have a heart attack".

ahhh my mornings...

Sweet little Snowman

Ben and Wy made this ADORABLE tiny snowman while I was out to lunch with a friend the other day. It is too cute, I had to take pictures. It stands up to about Wyatt's knees... Has blueberry eyes, and a chive for a mouth. The nose is a mini carrot! SO CUTE!


We had a really fun Thanksgiving. Spent time with my family and then went to Ben's Mom's and played Emily's Wii. I am still sore two days later, but I am pretty sure that it qualified as a work out for the day, because I was sweatin! I think the thing that got me working the hardest was the boxing. Yikes! Adi got sleepy on the way to Mom's for Thanksgiving. I was thankful for this little snooze :)
We have officially taken the pacifier away from Adalai. She has gone to bed w/o it three times now. I am so excited because her teeth are getting out of whack from it. It ended up not being too bad with making her cry it out, and I think that it really helps that her brother is so sweet. "Don't cry Adi, you can't have your Chi-chi anymore." He is precious!
We watched the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade, and here is a pic of Wyatt showing Buzz to Buzz.... Hilarious!
Oh and since nixing the pacifier, Adi has now taken to thr
owing EVERYTHING that is in her crib... Out of her crib. I found her sleeping soundly yesterday, with not a blankey or pillow in sight! :)

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Ever since starting to read the NieNie dialogues, I have finding a bit more interesting ways to adorn my blog with more fun and interesting things. I try to keep up with what we are going and stuff, but lately have been trying to use more pictures (because to me, the purpose of my blog is to keep everyone up on what we are doing, but also to kind of have a long going journal for myself/family to look back on!) and colors. Anyhow, today is Thanksgiving. I was thinking of listing some of the things I am truly thankful for, but that would take forever... So, I am just going to with you a HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! I think this morning, I am going to workout, eat breakfast, and then watch the Macy's parade~! YAY

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanks Becky!

I wanted to post some photos of my kids with their Arizona tee shirts on........


Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I really wish I could download photo's from my phone because you would have a good laugh. My sister, Gram, kids, and I went to Stein Optical today... Grams is getting me a new pair of specs for Christmas (so gracious... I am so blessed!) so we went in, and I asked for my sis' expertise for the style factor. Anyhoo, they had a kids section of glasses, and we tried some on my chickens. They were TOO cute.

We got a bit done today, but had fun playing outside and spending time with Gram this morning. We rented Wall-E, which we didn't finish. I cleaned in the kitchen, and am thankful I did, because it looks good now. (Which I will mess up tomorrow morning right away because I want to make Whole Wheat Waffles). Tomorrow I am heading to lunch with a friend, and then to pick up my new glasses... photos to come! ;) I am really happy about this gift, because it was something that I really needed and can't afford myself, so thanks so much Grams! Love ya!


Monday, November 24, 2008

Pics from our snow day fun!

This is what we woke up to.

The kids were stoked.

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From Mommy to Momma in a day...

Ada is hilarious. I think probably everyone that knows her, knows that she is absolutely hilarious. Ben, when we speaks of me to the children, refers to me as "Momma", when both kids call me "Mommy". Ben had a talk with Ada the other day, I actually think that it was because she hit me, and he explained that it wasn't OK to hit/pinch/bite "Momma". So, ever since that, she has been calling me Momma. Weird, eh?

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Please help if you can....

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Weekend with out Daddy #2

We are having fun... Got the kids dressed, and they both went for the boots...

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