Nothing too much going on today. We got a bunch of snow and it has been peaceful to watch out the window as it gently falls to the ground. The kids took a nice nap today and I tried to relax, because we had a bummer of a morning. The kids didn't feel like getting along w/ each other (and they were both really tired too) so they were screaming at eachother! I have been really working on my patience w/ them, but was truely thankful for Ben. (and naptime!) We went outside to play after naptime, but couldn't handle the cold for too long and ended up back inside about 15 minutes later! None of the kids are around tonight, so we are just kind of hanging out and going to watch movies and have bath in a little bit. It is nice to just hang out with the kids though. Wyatt has been doing fantastic w/ potty training lately, and understands that unless he goes on the potty, he isn't going to be able to go to school. He really wants to go to school, which is really great! It is good to have Adalai learn along with him too~! It is two of my good friends' birthday's tomorrow, and I won't be able to see either of them, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY KATE AND BECKY!!!!
We don't have anything actually going on really for the rest of the week. It is nice to just spend time inside when it is cold and snowy outside!
Anyhoo, since I am kinda just blabbin'... I should go and get some chores done before bathtime!!!
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