Monday, May 12, 2008

Mothers Day!

Well it was a wonderful Mother's Day. I was totally blessed by my husband and children. On Saturday, I was invited to my sister's new place and we ate yummy Chinese food, and started to watch a movie, when my husband called and said that he needed me to come out to the mall and unlock the Jeep. He had accidentally locked the door with the Jeep running... Oops! So, I got there and then was able to come home with my family, they were at the mall buying a mothers day gift! The kids and Ben got me a leather travelers journal, it is so pretty! On Sunday morning I got to be the one to stay in bed while Ben got up with the kids, and he made me pancakes in bed! What more could a girl ask for? Yummmy! So we had to split up after church, I took the kids, and he went to his mom's while I went to mine. We were really blessed to be able to go fishing together twice this weekend! Anyhow, we joined Blockbuster online, and that has been really nice. We watched part of the movie RV... not so great. I also, did end up getting PS I love you ( I know Kel, you told me not to, but I thought I would check it out) and haven't finished that yet, and we also got The Interpreter...
So I am really liking that we joined that.
We had a nice weekend, and as usual a busy week ahead. Playdate at Kir's tomorrow, Wednesday is Grams house and so on....
Have a good week!