Saturday, November 15, 2008

Day 3 of working out!

Well I am proud to say that I have been exercising between 20-30 minutes a day for three days. I get A LOT of working out per day just playing w/ the kids and stuff, but still I am proud that I have been running on the gazelle (elliptical effect type machine) and then I worked out at the Y too... I am thankful because it has helped me feel a bit more energized. I have been feeling bogged down lately (could it perhaps have to do with no Coke for over a month? Probably!) so I am thankful for the extra boost. My calves KILL though, ugh I have had to take Advil like twice because of my legs being so sore! Oh well, I still did the Gazelle for about 15 minutes today, and then just did stretches and crunches...

We are off to the grocery store today and then renting a movie and such. I think probably going to probably take it easy for the rest of the afternoon. I am thankful that I can kind of clean up around here and just be home as a family. Doesn't happen too often, and next week, Ben will be away hunting, so I gotta soak it up! ;)