Tuesday, February 17, 2009

My utmost for His Highest

I found a part of my devo's today particularly fitting for this point in my life. My BFF challenged me to do the "My Utmost for His Highest" devo's. There are days where I don't get to it, but I SHOULD because it is funny how it applies..

"When the Spirit of God comes to us, He does not give us glorious visions, but He tells us to do the most ordinary things imaginable" Oswald chambers

I think this is wonderful for today. The subject of the devo this morning was on depression actually, this is just a tiny bit of what was mentioned, but I think that I imagine God falsely sometimes...
I think that some people mention glorious visions and audible voices from God, and that makes me scared as a believer sometimes because I don't have that... I used to get so worried about that, Do I not believe enough? Do I not trust God enough to speak to me? Am I really that unworthy of God? So many things come to mind.
I think that some of the small things are truely God honoring. So interesting to hear this morning.