Wednesday, March 4, 2009


We ended up at the pediatrician yesterday because Wyatt has a minor ear infection. I was kind of bummed to miss class, but happy that we got him in right away. I asked them about Adi's sleep issues. Yesterday I took down her crib, and set up the playpen for her... she has been crying like she is terrified at bedtime every night for the last 4 or so nights, so I am trying to change something... We moved around the night lites to illuminate the corners (where she points when I ask her what she is scared of), and the playpen helps to have walls surrounding her... I didn't really know what to do. Anyhoo, last night, was a fantastic bedtime, which was so encouraging that I hopefully did something right!
We were going to start our Bible study today, but that didn't work, so two weeks is when we are going to start, and I am so excited!
The kids are sick, but we are going to visit Grams this afternoon for alittle bit. I am really excited to spend some time there. I am working too, on planning a little cake birthday party for Adalai next week... she turns two on the 14th~
Can't believe that my kids are growing sooooo quickly!