Wyatt has his froggie lantern in the dark stairwell

They are sneaking away from me...

They love putting on their gollashes and splashing in the mud and water outside. This was a perfect day for that! I was skype-ing with Kelly, and when the kids came in, Adi literally had mud splattered on her face. So adorable! They slept good that night :)

Speaking of sleep. I am pretty sure that Wyatt is out of the nap stage. He hasn't been sleeping great at night on days that he takes naps lately. Bummer, kind of, but he is so peaceful and sweet in the afternoon, I am not worried about getting chill out time with him in the afternoon. I am so greatful for this little guy. He is such an amazing blessing. Hopefully he won't have such a struggle to go to sleep at night once we take out his afternoon naptime. I think that we are just going to see how he seems around naptime. Sometimes the boy just does need a rest in the afternoon. We'll probably only let him sleep for like 1 hour tops though because he doesn't get tired at night otherwise!
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