Tuesday, May 22, 2007

IKEA Adventures!

Kira and I decided to go to IKEA yesterday. It was so fuN! That place is really amazing! We got SO incredibly lost on the way there. I think that if I ever can redo my living room or get a new couch or decorations or anything, I am totally going to shop there. It was really worth driving all the way to Schaumburg to check it out, THANKS KIR! We also got to stop at Steak and Shake. Oh my yummmy! It really really brightened up my day and it was a blast! We went to Bible Study too last night and Ben suprised me w/ a dozen roses for our anniversary! We plan to go on Friday to the new movie theater to see Pirates of the Carribean 3. I am really excited. Now all I need to find is a babysitter! We are going to the park today with Em and the kids, and I am excited because it is really gorgeous out! I guess we are having a cook out with the Stoaks tonight too... Only 2 days until they leave. Ugh, well Adam's dad flies in tomorrow night and I can't wait to see him!
Anyhow, I guess I am going to get ready now to go to the park.
Peace and have a blessed day!!