Monday, December 3, 2007

Natalie and Ethan

Little Ethan, that I asked for prayer for a couple posts back, has now been admitted to Waukesha Memorial because he has the RSV virus. My friend and I went to visit and see if we could help out yesterday and we were able to hold him for awhile and spend some time there, so that was great, I just feel horrible for Mary because she is now running between the two hospitals to her daughter, and her grandson. They have also found out that Natalie is having trouble with her hearing, and have found that she has a fracture in her skull. Looks as if though that she is going to be able to come home sometime this week, so that is really encouraging! Please pray for them!
This week is going to be busy for us, we are going to do laundry, and visit with Grams, and then babysit Sophie and stuff, and on Friday we are leaving for a trip upnorth to my brother-in-laws house. I am excited to see my nieces and nephews there. I haven't seen them since Adalai was about 3 weeks old.
That is all for now I guess, but have a great week!