Friday, January 18, 2008

Wyatt's first theater trip~!

Ben decided to get Wyatt all spiffed up.....And he took him to his first movie at the theater. It was too cute! He gave him a bath and got him all ready for his first time seeing a movie! They went and saw that Veggie Tales movie that just came out. Adalai and I went shopping while they were in the movie, and came back to pick them up a little early just in case he decided not to sit through the whole thing (or in case he was scared at all) I ended up waiting for quite awhile because he wanted to see it all the way to the end. There was a pretty scary part in it I guess because when I asked him what he thought of the movie he said "Scarry maato (Scary tomato)" eventhough I don't think that the tomato had to do at all with the scariness factor. Ben said that he was a little nervous at first with the huge screen but that Wyatt started to feel better once more little kids came into the theater. It was so sweet that Ben thought of this fun thing to do with our boy. They are such a blessing to me!


andy stenz said...

super cute pic, and even cuter story. what a blast to go see your first movie on the big screen. the TV will never be large enough again :-)

M,K,E,N said...

I ditto what Andy said! This is so sweet of a story. Thanks for sharing! It has inspired me to take E to the movies...they have a session here for tots that is not so loud and the lights are dim but not! Ben is such a great dad. :)

The Wilcox Family said...

Hey i was showing my friend WaWa your photos and asked how old Ben was and said that he is cute! I told her his age and then she realized that he is married! I told her duh the women and kids sitting next to him is his family!!! How funnty is that!!!!!