Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Proud Momma

It scares me how quickly my little boy is growing. He saw two boys from our apartment complex playing with their Nerf guns. He asked me right away, "Mommy can Wy have a gun?" (Have I ever mentioned that this boy has talked in third person for like months now? My answer was of course, "You have to ask your daddy"... I have had issues with the thought of Wyatt having a toy gun. I am crazy about stuff like that, because it just worries me! Anyhow, Ben said yes, so on Tuesday we went and bought him a Nerf gun at Target. He was so Stoked! We brought it home, and found that he can't pull the lever back to be able to actually shoot the suction cuppy thingys out... My husband has had a great time tormenting me with it though! ;) It is kind of a fun toy, but anyhow, after we got home from buying the gun, the little boy that lives next door to us was outside, and Wyatt was so excited to show him the Nerf gun, and it made him proud to be able to play with him (even though every time he wants to shoot it, he has to say "Mommy fix it!" and I have to pull it for him!) So anyhow, today the boy (10 yrs old) and girl (5 years old) that live next door came a knockin' and wanted him to play. I am so proud of him! He got tired of playing outside with them so asked if he could play at their house. I know their Mom pretty well (she also has a 6 month old, so we definitely make that connection) so I went with all the kids to their apartment to ask if they could play! It is so sweet to sit here and know that my kiddo is playing with his friends. He is right next door, and I am only allowing 15 minutes... (anal right? ;)) but nevertheless, I am proud of him for playing and keeping up with the big kids.
Nothing much else in other news. Kira moves today which is really exciting. She is soooo excited, so in a little while the kids and I are going over to see her new place. Nice thing too is that when the construction is done in Oconomowoc, it will only take me like 15 minutes tops to get to her apartment! I also found out today that Ben is going to be taking me out of town on our anniversary (it will be our 5 year on the 24th!). Not too sure on all the details yet, but what I do know sounds wonderful! I can't wait to get away and get some much needed R&R! Looks like I get a Harley ride during the vacation too! ;) My wonderful F-I-L is going to take our kids!
I also joined Blockbusters online deal today... I was going to try and convince my husband to let us have cable back, but my best friend talked me out of that whole deal. My sister has been on the Blockbuster thingy for quite awhile, and really really likes it, and is constantly getting new movies, so that is much better for us. Plus we get three at a time... two for Ben and I and one for the kiddos! works great! I am really excited, because all the people I know that have it really like it!
Well that is all for today, I should go get my darling son from the neighbors house... and then we are going to visit Kir! Yay!
Tomorrow is nothing... so I am stoked about that too. I need a rest!