Friday, August 8, 2008

Quote of my day

Our six year old neighbor came over yesterday to play with the kids after nap. We were heading to the park and had to drive the Jeep because I had to run a couple quick errands and Max had to come along yesterday. So, I told Brandi, if you want to ask your big sister or Mom to come to the park with you guys, we'd love to have you play along with us. She comes back and said that her big sister will walk with her down to the park.
Brandi says to me, "I thought you were skinny and now you are all puffy in the middle... maybe you should walk with us."
Oh the honesty of a child of six....


The Wilcox Family said...

OHHHH JEEEZZE! Out of the mouths of Babes!!!y the way you look Great!

M,K,E,N said...

1. You look wonderful.
2. That's nothing...

Out of the mouth of a 80+ year old man on the day we are sharing with 1000 people...
"I remember you 3 years ago and you were this slender little thing, and now look at ya!"
I said, "come on!"
He said, "well you have had 2 kids".

I went running the next morning, chuckling to myself.

Gedde Adventures said...

oooh that would be so embarrassing!