Sunday, January 4, 2009

I won't go into too much detail on this subject, but I had a lovely time w/ my Dad, last night. We haven't seen eachother in about a year, but we ended up spending some time with him yesterday and I had a great time. ( actually really weird that I am able to say that, but I am so thankful!) I am going to try and set up a game night again with him and my sister, and Grandma, to try to do what I can to keep a relationship with him, for my sake, and my kids.

Today, I am excited to go to church. I haven't been to church in what seems like a really long time, so I am excited to see my friends. Kir works in the nursery too, so that is great! Then, I am stopping off at the sporting goods store because Gram gave me some cash for a gift, and I want to pick up another Camelbak bottle!!