Monday, June 25, 2007

3 Weeks and 3 days until I leave

Oh my gosh I am so excited/scared/nervous/worried... but the Lord is certainly providing. Financial support has increased, wahooo! Anyhow, I am raising prayer support now, and have to make a list of people who will pray for me while I am gone... can you please? Post a comment or email me, if I can add you to my list as prayer support and then you will get updates from me while I am overseas. I am all of a sudden struck with the fact that I am running out of time before our trip. I have learned a little bit about Islm, not too much but a bit. I am working on the folder that they give you w/ different things to read in it, and I also have a book that deals with "hot and cold cultures" that I am suggested to read before I leave. OH my goodness, I am going to have to start staying up late to get all of this finished. Right now is naptime, so I am taking a quick rest and then I am going to take whatever time left that I have (W usually sleeps until 3ish, but the little one is very unpredictable) to wash the dishes and the floor, and then dive into my studies. I am going to really make it a main focus of mine to spend real quality time with Wyatt... My friend K posted a blog the other day bout how she never really knows if she is spending enough time on the floor w/ her little one, and I feel the same way. Please pray for peace of mind for me and that the priorities kind of fall into place because I am having a hard time right now... being super busy and trying to finish my folder and whatnot, plus spend time with W before we leave.
Feeding issues w/ Adi are getting better which I praise God for...
Anyhow, wow the baby just woke up, as if right on que... Peace out!


Unknown said...

Hey, Sara! I'll be adding you to my prayer list!