Tuesday, June 19, 2007


It takes me by suprise when my husband posts a blog. I mean I named it Gedde Adventures for a reason, but I am always suprised when he posts, just because I didn't see him as a bloggin type of man, yet he tends to really pour his heart into it, and for that I am so thankful. Most of the stuff that he writes really blesses me too, so that is really great. He is right though when he says that he sees God's grace and peace in Wyatt and Adalai. I am astounded by that every day. When I get over upset at Wyatt for something he knowingly did, and then I myself realize that he is almost two years old, and feel like a fool for getting frustrated over spilled milk or whatever, and then realize that he has already forgiven me. What an amazing thought. That God forgives and heals things so abundantly. It is amazing. Prayer is so powerful. I just got home from my pastors house and got to spend a couple hours w/ a few other people learning about God and actually learning about Satan... It is really a wonderful thing when you really get into the "meat and potatoes" of the Bible. Anyhow I am always suprised when people ask me why I spend so much time with church stuff... And I just want to say that it is because I am spending the church time with my family! I mean seriously these people are my bro's and sis's... It is so amazing...
My mom blessed me incredibly today. She asked me for a list of things that I needed for my trip. I emailed her a list of like 5 things that were kind of things that are neccesities (undies! and socks!)... When I told Ben that I did this, he said that this is how she would probably contribute... is to do this type of thing. She was always the type to give a gift of undies at Christmas (when Ben and I first started dating he thought we were SO wierd for that) so anyhow she called and asked me for sizes and whatnot, and then called me this afternoon and told me that she got everything but two things on the list! OH my gosh is that an amazing blessing. How awesome. Thanks so much mom.... Love you!
We have a busy week this week. It is really a fun time though. We were really blessed by the use of my father-in-laws truck this week and last, and have gotten a bunch done during the day, having the Buick for the kids and I. (Thanks Andy for following and picking up Ben and W with the whole truck thing) Anyhow, gotta get ready for laundry day tomorrow.
Peace to you all..


M,K,E,N said...

I just love you so much, Sara! :) You are in my thoughts today. Of course!