Wednesday, June 4, 2008

51 People? Are you even kidding me?

So I have kind of a funny story. I have been trying to get rid of our huge lug of a piano for like ever... We have had it for a couple years now, and I would like to paint in our apartment, and redecorate a bit (oh and did I mention have more space?) but can't do anything with the piano in our way. I have posted it once before under the "furniture" posting on craigslist, and only had two inquiries but no sales... So, I recruited help from church and was going to move the thing, with my helpers to St. Vincent Depauls in Oconomowoc. I called them and they said "oh sure we'll take your piano"... So ok, yay, I got it all set up with my helpers, and called to confirm dropping off the piano. Well just so happened that the General Manager, who I am not too fond of now, answered the phone and said "We don't take piano's, they are too heavy and no one wants to buy them because they are so heavy." "Ok, well why did the last person tell me that it was OK for us to drop it off... I have recruited help and we are ready to bring it." "Well cancel your help. Sometimes people that don't know what they are talking about answer our phones.".... Oh snap. I was really annoyed at that. So then I had the discussion with my husband as to what we should do with this thing. He said, "Let's just take it apart!"... Ugh sure that sounds easy, although with how frustrated I am with the whole thing, I would really love to use a sledge hammer! J/K... Anyhow, so my sis did some helping with calling around to places to see if they would take it, and she got nowhere fast with that. So she kind of encouraged re-posting on craigslist. Ok, sure. So this time I posted it under "free" and "furniture"... Posted it at 4pm like literally, no joke, 4:02pm, a nice lady emailed and was like "I'll take it!" she wants to come and see it first so I made an appointment with her to come check it out today! Anyhow, of course I didn't realize I would even be dealing with a first come first serve...because I have gotten as of now 52 emails inquiring on it. Some people want dimensions, but there have been a huge percentage of the people that are like "When can I pick it up?"... are you serious? I had one guy offer to come and get it from me last night... SERIOUSLY? I, in a way, wish that I could have taken him up on that offer, and have that huge portion of our apartment open floor space this morning, but the lady is coming today... at about 1:30pm. Please pray that they take it. I know that they aren't prepared to take it right away today, but that they will come this weekend. Oh my gosh, and if they decide against it for some reason, at least I have 51 more options! Oh I am so thankful. Lord you have really blessed me in this small (but very huge and heavy) thing. I appreciate it sooooo much! Yay for craigslist... Oh! And I sold a stroller this morning too! Wooooooohooooooooo
Oh yeah... reminder.... pray for my Grams please (pls read previous post if you haven't yet)


andy stenz said...

ha! i'll take it then. that's really funny. i guess tues night is the night to post pianos. hope everything works out!