Wednesday, December 10, 2008

ahhh thank you God... a sigh of relief

Baby Hannah next door is sick. Wyatt played w/ her big sister the other day while she was sick (like the throw up kind). So, last night, Wyatt started to look pail and ugh, so I kept thinking of the fact that he had played with Hannah the other night. I got a little scared. So, I gave him some anti-nausea medicine just to be safe, and sent the kids to be extra early, since they hadn't had naps. I was trying to be cautious just in case he woke up in the night sick, so I went to bed at about 8.45pm. I prayed a meek prayer "God, please keep Wyatt well, help him to not throw up... help my anxiety over it, in Jesus name, Amen".
I am thankful today that God heard my little prayer. No throwing up + well rested kids + well rested Mommy = Good morning!!!
Thank you God!