Saturday, June 20, 2009

Graduation parties!

Things are busy. Like super duper busy.

Benjamin is gone right now. At his brother's helping him work on the semi's. And learning how to drive them too a bit while he is there. I am thankful that he worked it out to let me keep the Jeep here, so I could visit with friends and family. What a blessing. I got to see Rachel and Jadyn last night, and today we went to our old apartments and hung out there. It was a blast. I got burnt. The kids are burnt out. They are resisting bedtime because they didn't get enough rest. Seems like they haven't gotten enough rest at all lately. Bleh. Naptime is a must and early bedtime needs to really start being enforced. Since Ben is gone for the week that sometimes makes things hard because we have no consistancy in schedule. SO, looks like we need to just make it work out.

I have been feeling a little at the end of my rope lately just because of all the stuff going on around me. I love where we are staying now, but need to accomplish a few things in our schedule and routine that haven't been able to be pulled off lately. Prayer/exercise/scripture in the morning, is SUPER important, and has been lacking. I feel bummed about it, and trying not to make myself feel accountable to... well.... myself, but I always feel bummed when I miss my chance to read, and it should be more then just the morning, too. It will come slowly I am sure, but I need to work on consistancy with those types of things, and pray for patience and direction with mothering my children. I have had a bit of a struggle with things lately, and I need to ask God for more help with it.

Tomorrow I am excited to attend New Vision, like good ole times. Hoping to see Rachel afterwards and have fun!


M,K,E,N said...

Have you started Heartfelt Discipline book yet? It really helps me be a better mother when I read that book...Seriously. Highly recommend.

Totally get the guilt thing about not reading or exercising consistently. Give yourself grace but not as an is necessary and vital to our walk. Just don't let Satan condemn you. God does not condemn, but he will convict. So guilt and shame are not from Him! He just wants to spend time with you just as you do with all your friends. (i am typing to myself mostly here...:) I need the reminder! Thanks for being so open in your helps us other mommies know we aren't alone!