Monday, June 15, 2009

Last day in PA.

We are packing up today to head back west. Still am not sure at this point if we will be able to pass through Peoria to visit with Emily. I hope so!

I have a ton of errands to run today and am hoping that we can get them done in time to have plenty of time to visit with Adam and Kelly before we go.

Loved our time in PA more then words can express. Thankful that God has really been protecting us and blessing us this WHOLE time. Yesterday the kids and I went to Paxton for church and lunch, and then hung out at the Stoaks house for naptime for Adi and Ben10 time for Wyatt. He loves that show, my little boy likes all the shows that I don't really like for him to watch. Doesn't help that his uncle Adam is a comic artist and loves all the shows like Ben 10 and Dragonball Z. Hmmm Oh well though he had a great time. Kelly and I got out to take a walk with the kids and then went and got Bruesters ice cream together, I am so thankful we had the time together before we head out. Tonight we are going to eat supper and I am going to insist on Pictures with the family. I really want to have them to remember what a blessing this time has been!!