Monday, September 3, 2007

Great 2nd B-day party for Wyatt!

We had a wonderful time at my mom's today... I am going to have her email some pics of the boy opening his gifts, and the little girl dressed like a ducky for swimming! Anyhow, he got a great start to the activity box that I am trying to pull together for the winter time. We got finger paints, glue, construction paper, markers, glue, and scissors, which is wonderful! Oh my gosh I am really excited. He got a Mrs. (yeah Mrs. Ooooopppps on my part...) and so much other fun stuff. Mom had Elmo theme (shocker) so that was a blast, he saw this HUGE gift bag with Elmo on it, and he YELLED "ELMO!!" oh man he is so funny. My Grams got him his own potty chair, and it makes noises and sings to him, Oh yeah and lights up! Wow... bells and whistles on a potty... never would have guessed it! Anyhow, great end to a wonderful weekend. My husband is convinced that the weather is going to change quick now... so we'll see, it was 93 degrees when we passed the bank today... I am really ready for fall...


andy stenz said...

i so want a toilet that lights up and makes noise when i use it! :-)