Sunday, March 8, 2009


This morning:

Today, I am looking forward to going to church.

I am really excited to see Kira and Emily. I can't wait to pat that baby belly on Em.

I am thinking that eventhough it is gloomy out, that I am going to really try and have a possitive attitude.

I want to be patient.

I am looking forward to Pastor Johns sermon, as he usually has something that I can really connect with (and most of the time it oddly parrallels what I am learning in Perspectives).

I am thoroughly enjoying my coffee.

I need to get some exercise.

I am happy that my apartment is semi-clean (except the mound of dishes waiting for me)

I am hoping to get some time this afternoon to rest, reflect, and read my book in a quiet place.

I want to listen to some good music while the kids dance around.

I am hoping you have as good of a day as I am prayin to have.

Bless you...


Vicki said...

Hi Sara,

I'm reading a book called "Sabbath" and your blog was such a great description of what I picture Sabbath to be: Prayer, praise, rest, play, dance, reflect, leave the dishes (they will be there later, enjoy a cup of coffee....just a simple carefree time to enjoy God, life, and all His blessings! I hope your day was as beautiful as you were anticipating when you wrote your blog! Thanks for sharing your thoughts. It was a fantastic reminder to read what you wrote!