Monday, April 14, 2008

Weird Heart.

I am going to see an internal medicine doctor this week to get checked out. I think I have something wierd going on w/ my heart. It is something that occurs sporatically, and I can't induce it, but I get these episodes of really rapid heartbeat, where my heart is like pounding out of my chest.. my limbs go numb, and I start to get like vertigo feeling... So, anyhow, I thought it was about time to get it checked out. I also have to take the Jeep to the doctor also. It has issues. The ceiling leaks, the sunroof is busted, the CD player is busted (which really stinks because it isn't covered under warrenty!) and she needs a good ole oil change. Tonight is Sara Bareielles concert! I can't wait! The kids are staying at my mom's, and my sister and I are going to grab dinner and go! Wooohooooo! Tomorrow is our day off!
Anyhow, have a blessed week!


Tracy said...

Hey Sara,
My heart does that when I get too much caffeine. I have had it where my heart raced for 45 minutes and I thought I was going to pass out.
I had a ultrasound done on my heart about 12 years ago and they found something but I cannot remember the name of it. But anytime I go to the doctor or hospital I explain to them what they had told me and they always know what to do before a medical procedure. I really should know what it is called.
But anyhow, I just thought I would share that with you.
If you want to know more about it,
I have no problem sharing.