Friday, July 25, 2008

Poor Kids

I have to applaud my wonderful husband for being amazing this morning and taking charge, because all of a sudden I didn't feel well. So, after only three hours or so of sleep, he got up and took care of the kids, and went shopping, and cleaned up our house! Oh my gosh, I am so forever grateful!
I called the doctors office a few times today and finally discovered like 15 minutes before they were to close this evening, that the kids both tested negative for all of the testing they did. Oh my gosh. So, to me, that isn't such a good thing. I mean it is because it is good to know that they don't have a parasite, but I am so discouraged that they don't know what it is!
I have heard from a few people that they would probably take them out to Children's Hospital, but I don't know... Thankfully, Ben will be home soon so we can figure out what to do!